CBM National Intern – Finding the Balance
By CBM National intern, Matt Presley - Finding the Balance
For years I tipped the scales of my life in favor of feeding the flesh. Then for almost 2 years I was placed in a position where everything was designed to feed the spirit. But when this time came to an end, I realized I was on the path of who I was meant to be as a child of God. My new phase of life doesn’t have as much stability and accountability, and I've wondered why God would put me in a position that lacked this.Why would an all-knowing God put me in a position to fail? But when you ...
CBM Intern – How can God Use a Guy Like Me
By CBM intern, Matt Presley -
Perhaps one of the most pressing questions on this path God has me on as a CBM National intern is how can God use a guy like me to reach youth and guide them to Him? Sometimes I wonder how I can relate, given the age gap. I don't have much experience in camp life or with kids in general. I've had more of a selfish outlook than a servant’s heart for a long time. This experience as an intern is all so new to me. I'm learning as I go. What I find awesome though, is how easy these things come to me when God presents the opportunity. He ...
Taking Ownership of your Gift
By CBM National intern, Matt Presley -
So much has happened here in the CBM National Internship since my last blog, leaving me so much I could talk about, from the classes we've taken, books we've read, and projects we’ve accomplished, to the youth group lessons and activities, volunteer work weeks, mission conferences, and camp visits. But what I'm led to talk about is "Ownership." That is, ownership of the life that God has given me. And, it's not until one takes ownership of that life that he can truly live it, take responsibility for it, and grow ...
Desires of the Heart
By CBM National intern, Matt Presley -
So back in October I began talking to God about what my next step in life was. I was two months away from finishing a ten month internship program at the Blake House, a faith based men's regeneration program. It was now time to start looking for a job, which I was praying would include God's purpose. A month later and a long story short, He said "I've got the perfect thing! How about another internship program with a children's ministry!?" Scripture says when you seek God, He'll give you the desires of your heart (Psalm ...