CBM National Intern – Finding the Balance

By CBM National intern, Matt Presley – Finding the Balance


For years I tipped the scales of my life in favor of feeding the flesh. Then for almost 2 years I was placed in a position where everything was  designed to feed the spirit. But when this time came to an end, I realized I was on the path of who I was meant to be as a child of God. My new phase of life doesn’t have as much stability and accountability, and I’ve wondered why God would put me in a position that lacked this.Why would an all-knowing God put me in a position to fail? But when you have a relationship with Him and trust Him and His guidance, you realize there is a reason for everything.

 As a CBM National Intern traveling with Apologia Outdoors and helping Camp Ozone, He has shown me my weaknesses and given me the humility needed to ask for help in those areas. He has shown me my strengths and how I can further His ministry. He has put to use a once wasted life in ways that I could never have accomplished on my own. He has given me the will to pursue a purpose beyond myself and brought joy into a once darkened heart.

Throughout the Bible, those He called to do His work went through decades of hardship and preparation for the tasks they were dealt. I have to remember I’m only a fraction through mine. My friends, God puts us in situations so that we may grow in faith, wisdom, love, humility, and so much more. We must be willing and actively seeking Him for the answers. He made us specific, special, and knows us like no other. He loves us unconditionally and has paid the ultimate sacrifice that we can be freed from the slavery of sin. 


Missions isn’t often what people think. God will use US in all our failings with all different skills and abilities for HIS Kingdom work! It is a blessing to hear those who stand up and say that they have trusted Him as their Lord and Savior! #whywedowhatwedo

Want to know more about Apologia Outdoors or Camp Ozone? Catch them on Facebook: @apologiaoutdoors and @cbmcampozone

And for all information on all CBM National Interns:

Follow us on Facebook @cbmintern and instagram @cbminternlife

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