CBM intern – Training, Toughening, and Teaching

By CBM National intern, Scott and Jerri Carpenter – 


We are serving as CBM National Interns at CBM of Southwest Pennsylvania (SWPA). This rotation has been very different from our other rotations, mostly because it is a summer rotation. One other big difference is that this is not North or South Carolina! It has been such a fun learning process about different places in our own country.

We both have been given very big jobs for this summer. Scott has been serving as Program Director, running the programs for camps. Jerri has been serving as TEAM Ministry Director, which is over kitchen clean up, snack shack and mentoring the teens that serve during the summer. We have had a lot of hard work to do but it has all been to the glory of God! We have trained and taught summer staff members, and learned a lot ourselves During this time we have definitely become toughened. We have learned that to be in leadership you have to be ready to be a lot tougher. Ready to disciple, teach, train, love, and (something a little different for us) to not always be liked. Some people do not like change and some do not like being disciplined. God has toughened our hearts so that we can stick to His goals and standards for His ministry this summer. We would rather individuals not like us than to disappoint and upset our Heavenly Father. He is our ultimate prize and we are striving at every moment to glorify Him.

God has given us such wonderful jobs this summer. We get to work one-on-one with all of the staff members and teenage workers! Some of the areas of these jobs are new and some are old, but God is teaching us through every single moment. During our time here we have seen around 7-10 professions of faith through all of the age groups! God is working here through all of us and making Himself known. We can’t wait to see what else He has in store for us!


Missions isn’t often what people think. God will use US in all our failings with all different skills and abilities for HIS Kingdom work! It is a blessing to hear those who stand up and say that they have trusted Him as their Lord and Savior! #whywedowhatwedo

Want to know more about CBM of SWPA? Catch them on Facebook: Cornerstone Ministry Center

And for all information on all CBM National Interns:

Follow us on Facebook @cbmintern and instagram @cbminternlife

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