27 results for tag: christian interns
5 Reasons You Should Apply for the CBM Internship Even if You Already Have a Degree
Written by Ryanne Stout -
My name is Ryanne and I was in the 1st team of interns with Children's Bible Ministries. It was a life changing experience and I’m so grateful for my time in the CBM Internship Program. One of the things that made me hesitant to apply for this internship was that I went to Liberty University and studied Ministry. I sat under some of the leading professors in the US, taking ministry focused classes, and I did a ministry internship while I was there. So why do CBM’s internship? These are the top 5 reasons I would recommend the CBM Internship Program for college graduates.
1) Specialized Classes
As an ...
My Whole Heart
By Kira Frank, CBM National Intern -
In the past few weeks I have had the opportunity to serve at Camp Victory in Southern Alabama. It is a great place. Before I even arrived, I had a prayer for my time here. I prayed that I would learn what it looked like to love God wholeheartedly. A prayer that I was afraid of, in a way, but one I knew would be vital to knowing God’s will and direction in my life.
I was reading in Isaiah 6 about Isaiah’s vision of God and I was able to sort of get a glimpse of God’s glory, well, His holiness. I began to think about the word itself—HOLY. I then started asking myself, what do I know about holy? As I ...
Wild Willie’s Adventures
By William Martin, CBM National Intern -
My name is William Martin and I am an intern with Children’s Bible Ministries. My time here at Children’s Bible Ministries (CBM) National Headquarters has been great so far. I have made a lot of new friends and have grown in my relationship with the Lord. The first few weeks were a little rough, at times, but I really think I am starting to settle in.
We have had quite a few classes so far that have been really helpful. One of the first classes we had was on how to be a good Christian leader. This was a great class for me since I have always pictured myself as a follower rather than a ...
Working for the Weekends
By Rebecca Colson, CBM National Intern -
My four months at the CBM headquarters are complete and I’m now already halfway through my first rotation at a CBM camp. For my first rotation I’ve been given the amazing opportunity to serve at New Life Camp in Raleigh, North Carolina. While I live on camp property and serve at monthly camp events, the majority of my time is spent a few minutes down the road serving with Cedar Point Community Outreach. Cedar Point is an apartment complex that primarily houses refugees. Every week I get the privilege to serve alongside dedicated volunteers in preschool and Homework Help classes for students of all ...
Mightier Than the Waves – CBM
By Rhiannon Grace, CBM National Intern -
Hello! This is Rhiannon. I just wanted to say that God has really blessed me, in that I had a chance to go to the beach this past month. Anyone who knows me knows that I love the beach and everything about it. It does not matter what type of beach, either, because I love the way the waves crash against the rocks at one with cliffs; and the pebble beaches where you find little stones that have been rubbed together by the movement of the water; and ones with big waves you can surf on.
As I was saying, though, I got to go to the beach in Florida this month. What an amazing sight that was: the ...