Who We Are
Children’s Bible Ministries (CBM) is a non-denominational, 501c3 non-profit ministry founded in 1935! We are a missions agency that provides the non-profit status for twelve (and growing) different U.S. locations. (Click map to enlarge it.)
The goal of CBM is to reach children and youth for Jesus Christ and then minister to and disciple them through adulthood. Our ministry is known as the ministry of the 3 Cs: Classes (Release Time and after-school Bible clubs), Correspondence Lessons (to disciple and help children earn camp discounts), and Camp (includes summer camp programming, as well as school-year retreats). Many of our areas offer two additional Cs: Conferences (making their facilities available for rent in the off-season) and Community (hosting events such as Pancake Suppers, Family Fun Days, etc).
The purpose of CBM is teaching the Bible, evangelizing the unreached,
discipling believers of all ages, encouraging and equipping them for active
service for Jesus Christ in their community, local church and on to the world.
Win a child, win a life!
CBM is a work of faith. We are not funded by denominations or foundations. CBM’s camps/areas and their missionaries must raise financial and prayer partners through deputation, and are funded through local churches and individuals who seek to be part of the work being done.
CBM currently has 14 areas of ministry in 9 states and 3 countries, and seeks to expand this work of the Lord into all 50 states and beyond. Each of our areas functions autonomously, with its own Board of Directors and EIN #, under CBM’s umbrella.
CBM’s home office is run out of Tuckaleechee Retreat Center in Townsend, TN, which functions as a non-profit to support it.
Benefits of Affiliation
- CredibilityBeing part of a National Organization gives additional credibility to a local work.
- Governing BoardThe Executive Director from each CBM Area is a member of CBM’s National Cabinet. The National Director consults with the Cabinet regarding issues and represents them as a whole to the National Board.
- Annual Directors'/Cabinet ConferenceA 3-day/2-night annual conference is held at the National Office for Directors and key leaders for each area for a time of networking, fellowshipping, growing, and learning.
Check out: Director’s Conference
- Prayer CalendarA monthly prayer and birthday calendar is e-mailed out from the National Office to the entire CBM family, giving praises and prayer requests from each area.Check out: Example Prayer Calendar
- EncouragementThe National Office seeks to give encouragement and insight by way of phone calls, prayer, letters, and visits to each area.
- Support for Local Boards and StaffCBM National works alongside of Local Boards and staff to help prevent or resolve conflicts or to help strategize, create master plans, etc.
- Opening new areasWhenever it is financially feasible and approved by the National Board, CBM National will help to bear the expense of opening new camps.
- Promotional brochuresReleased Time and CBM brochures are given to each area (up to 100 of each at no cost).
- Public RelationsCBM areas are represented by the National Office at colleges, churches, Missions Conferences, and events for the purpose of increasing the awareness of CBM and recruiting summer and full-time staff for each area.
- Retirement Program: CBM National manages the retirement accounts of all full-time staff, who send in 5% of the W-2 salary to invest in this fund. (Opt-outs must prove enrollment in retirement elsewhere.)
- GROW Training Program
a. An 7-day pre-field training program is conducted at the National Office for incoming missionaries. Cost is $275/singles; $500/couples. Non-CBM members are also welcome. Cost is $300/singles; $550/couples. Check out: Mission Training
(Costs include meals and lodging but not travel.)
b. A 3-day field refresher course is conducted at the National Office for existing missionaries/staff in need of refresher training, mostly focused on new techniques in partner raising. Cost for CBM missionaries is $50/singles; $90/couples. Cost for non-CBM members is $175/singles; $325/couples. (Costs include meals and lodging but not travel.)
- Annual ConferenceAn annual conference is held each Labor Day weekend for all CBM missionaries and their families, as well as part-time staff, volunteers, and local Board members, if they desire. Fees are established each year depending upon the location, and cover room, board, and children’s speakers. All other expenses are covered by the National Office.
- Fellowship in the Smokies (FITS)
CBM missionaries may choose one of the designated FITS weeks to spend at the National Office at Tuckaleechee Retreat Center in Townsend, TN for rest and relaxation. 4 nights’ lodging and breakfast is included. Other times for R&R are made available at Tuckaleechee Retreat Center for CBM missionaries at a steep discount. Check out: Fellowship in the Smokies
- Service awardsAwards are presented each year at the National Conference for years of service.
- Character Building Materialsa 4-year curriculum is provided to all CBM areas at no cost. This can be used for after-school Bible Clubs or Released Time classes.
- National Volunteer Program
a. The National Volunteer Director recruits volunteers and assigns them to projects at CBM areas throughout the year. Within the database of volunteers are retired, skilled laborers in many fields, including, but not limited to: construction, plumbing, woodwork, cleaning, A/C work, tiling, roofing, and so much more.
b. An online inventory of donated items is being collected. CBM areas will be able to access this member log-in area and “claim” items that they need. They will also be able to list items other CBM areas may need that they want to offload. Check out: Volunteer CBM
- National Internship ProgramThe National Office will send interns to the various CBM areas throughout the year for interns to be trained and to assist. The National Office works with the Executive Directors of each CBM area to determine where interns are sent and when. Check out: CBM Internships
- WebsiteThe National Office maintains an up-to-date website that represents all CBM areas. Benefits include a Job Board and Events Calendar with local area listings, as well as a members-only log-in area (currently in development).
Organizational Structure
Children’s Bible Ministries is essentially a franchised mission organization, made up of 12 (and growing) different US locations, each with its own local Board (or Steering Committee, until a Board is established, such as in the case of its newest camp, Camp Ozone) and budget. In order to receive its non-profit status from CBM National, each CBM area must submit an annual 990, along with meeting other standards and qualifications. Each CBM area has its own charter with certain and specific delineations and guidelines.
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