Missionary Training
Guidance in Ministry
Relationship Building
Overcoming Obstacles
Worshiping through Bible Study
The G.R.O.W. Training program offers both Pre-Field and Field Refresher Training. CBM seeks to equip new missionaries by providing them with the tools needed for effective partner-raising and field entry, as well as retention on the field. It also seeks to provide updated, continuing education for missionaries on the field. Below is a description of the two-tiered program. It is designed to attract CBM and non-CBM missionaries, as well as those involved with other ministries which have a heart for serving the Lord and reaching children with the Gospel. By focusing on the four main training points of the G.R.O.W. program, we believe CBM can help people passionate about sharing the Gospel be most effective in their ministry.
- GROW Pre-Field Training
- GROW Field Refresher Training
- Instructors
- Sample Schedule
- Pre-Assignment Package
CBM’s definition of a Pre-Field Missionary is: a person who has never been on the field or has been on the field for less than a year, and has never been trained in support-raising.
“A Pre-Field Missionary is kept as the designation until 75% (at least, depending upon the CBM Area to which they are called) of the missionary’s support goal is reached. Generally, Pre-Field missionaries do not work in the CBM Area to which they are called until 75% of their support goal is reached; however, if a different arrangement has been made, or if they are part of the National Office’s Pre-Field Missionary Training Program, the missionary may be permitted to work part-time in the CBM Area to which they are called.”
The following is an outline of CBM’s program for Pre-Field Missionaries:
1. Pre-assignments
The success of CBM’s training program relies a great deal on the work that is accomplished before the new missionaries arrive. The completion of the pre-assignments allows us to be able to accomplish a large amount of work during the actual classes. We try to hone in on specific skills, strengths, weaknesses, and materials that the missionaries will need to grow their partnership base before they arrive at the training program.
2. Class Time
The weeklong class seeks to bring in hands-on teaching and application so the new pre-field missionary can leave feeling equipped to raise the needed partners. The different G.R.O.W. items will be taught throughout. We will give the most updated methodologies available to accomplish our learning goals. This will be done through lectures, practice scenarios, constructive criticism, and video recording. We realize that it is ultimately the missionary’s responsibility to raise partners, but it is CBM’s desire to give the tools needed to do so.
3. Accountability and Encouragement
Mentoring is essential to our training. There are so many methods involved in partner raising and ministry building that it can be overwhelming to the pre-field missionaries. Follow up classes will be offered for further training during National Conference and throughout the year. Assigned mentors that have also been trained will be able to help in the accountability process of the pre-field missionary. This would involve a certain amount of phone contacts, meetings, etc. This is critical, because it can take up to 2 years for a missionary to raise their needed partners.
4. Cost
CBM Missionaries
$275.00 for a single person and single occupancy
$500.00 for a couple
Non-CBM Missionaries
$300 for a single person and single occupancy
$550 for a couple
Payment can be made by mailing a check payable to CBM 160 Bear Lodge Dr. Townsend, TN 37882 or online, using a credit card, at: https://www.continuetogive.com/cbm. If you would like to request a payment plan, please contact the office at 865-448-1200.
Our goal is not only to recruit new missionaries, but to grow, disciple, and maintain missionaries we already have. CBM’s definition for a field missionary is: a person who has been full-time for at least 1 year, or part-time for 2 years.
The following is an outline of CBM’s program for Field Missionaries:
1. Pre-assignment:
Missionaries may be asked to read a book, work through some partnership raising skills, and evaluate their relationship with God and others. They will also be asked to send their three most current newsletters and the PowerPoint presentation that they use when presenting their ministry
2. Class Time:
The class time will be shorter and more concise (between 2-4 days), focusing on one or all of the following three areas, depending on the specific needs of each missionary class.
A) Partnership Raising – A refresher on how to raise and maintain financial partners.
B) Bible Training – Provide the foundational tools needed to study the Bible for themselves and discipling others.
C) Conflict Resolution – A study into Matthew 18, and how it relates to what God has called His people to do.
3. Accountability and Encouragement:
Mentoring is an essential part of our training. If needed, a follow up class is available at CBM’s National Conference. Trained mentors will be able to help in the accountability process of the missionary. This would involve a certain amount of phone contacts, meetings, etc. This is critical, to keep the missionary encouraged and on a path of success for God’s glory.
4. Cost
CBM Missionaries
$50 for a single person and single occupancy
$90 for a couple
Non-CBM Missionaries
$175.00 for a single person and single occupancy
$325.00 for a couple
Payment can be made by mailing a check payable to CBM to 160 Bear Lodge Dr. Townsend, TN 37882 or online, using a credit card, at: https://www.continuetogive.com/cbm. If you would like to request a payment plan, please contact the office at 865-448-1200.
The next available dates for CBM’s G.R.O.W. Field Refresher Training – TBA
Jordan graduated from John Brown University with a B.S. in Broadcasting and Cross-Cultural Studies. After graduating, he went on staff with Fellowship Bible Church in Rogers, AR as the missions coordinator for 5 years, where he coordinated, led, and trained short-term mission teams, provided member care and support for their sent missionaries, and mobilized church members into missions ministry. He then joined United World Mission as a missionary, raised support, and joined a church planting team in Prague, Czech Republic for 2 years. He engaged college students through English clubs, and invited them into Discovery Bible Study groups to share Jesus with them. After 2 years, he came back stateside and continue with United World Mission, but in the role of mobilizer. He is currently mobilizing new missionaries around the world, and implementing a new strategy in North America to plant missionaries among immigrant, refugee, and unreached people groups. He also coaches missionaries every week in their support raising process until they leave for their country of ministry. He has helped train lots of new missionaries in support raising, and he continues to raise full support for his ministry now. He will be married on June 10, 2017, and is looking forward to what God has in store for he and his new wife as they aim to glorify God through the ministry in their lives.
Liane Lindauer received her B.A. in elementary education from King College. From there she went to East Tennessee State University where she earned an M.Ed. in storytelling. She spent three years as a Christian school teacher before God called her to leave her job to join CBM of East Tennessee in 2008. Her college training helped prepare her for many aspects of the ministry including teaching Released Time and public speaking. She spent a year researching and writing a course of Bible lessons on apologetics which can be used for high school students and adults who join CBM Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go’s mailbox club. As a Released Time teacher, she has also written her own chapel lessons for students in K-9th grades. As a full-time CBM missionary, Liane has had to raise her own personal financial support. She has learned what it means to trust God with her finances. She has also learned that this doesn’t mean sitting around and doing nothing. She has prepared and presented numerous church presentations. She has also spoken to people one-on-one. There have also been numerous times where she has seen God miraculously provide a financial supporter. Her experiences in raising support and presenting in churches, as well as her educational training have given her the insight needed to help new ministry candidates know what to do and what not to do when it comes to support raising. She has also had to face the same questions and fears about raising support as other new missionaries. She enjoys being part of CBM’s G.R.O.W. Training Program and hopes that she can encourage new candidates to persevere and follow God’s calling.
Since beginning ministry in 1997, Marcus has served churches in KY, NC, and VA. He became the Lead Pastor at the Peoples Church in Bardstown, KY in 2021 and is engaged in several community ministries including jail ministry and in pregnancy resource services. Dr. Daly is a US Air Force veteran and a graduate of Clear Creek Baptist Bible College (BA) and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (MACE and EdD). Marcus and his wife Kathleen married in 1991 and have three adult children: Sarah, Mary, and Paul.Through the military and ministry, the Daly’s have had the joy of traveling all over the world and visiting many international, national, and local historical sights and museums. They enjoy supporting local athletic teams as well as visiting neighborhood antique stores and used bookstores, especially used bookstores, and they are always in line to watch the latest super-hero movie.
For questions, please contact us at registrar.cbm@gmail.com
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