CBM Expansions


Project Georgia

In the past, CBM was doing children’s ministry in Georgia, but the Lord called the missionary home who oversaw that work, and it has been put on hold for several years.

However, in early 2019, the Lord began working in the heart of a previous CBM missionary, Naomi Milam, to reestablish CBM ministry in Georgia.

Project Georgia was started to reach children, teens, and their families in  West Georgia with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, through CBM’s ministry of the Cs:

Classes – We have a weekly Kid’s Club that meets at a local community center. We are working to expand to include a Teen ministry called “Community Cafe” to be a club for teens at the same location. While Covid restrictions are in place, we minister to these kids and teens by passing out “You are Loved” bags in the drive through line where they pick up meals. We are seeking to expand our clubs for kids and teens to area churches for after-school programs. We also have a ministry to hotels/motels/inns/campgrounds, where we bring a meal and needed items to families living in these places, and we hold classes with them to evangelize and disciple them. 

Correspondence – Children enrolled in Kid’s Clubs will participate in CBM’s mailbox lessons, an ongoing discipleship tool.

Camp – It is our prayer that CBM will be able to hold 2 weeks of summer camp in 2021 for the children reached through this new work, as well as foster children, Angel Tree Kids, and other children from Haralson, Polk and surrounding  Counties. We also hold various outreaches for kids, teens and families throughout the year including Family Adventure Days, School supply give aways, block parties, backyard Bible Clubs, etc….

       Website: https://newcreationusa.org

       Email address: cbmgeorgia2020@gmail.com

CBM of Georgia Mission Statement:

To reach the children  and teens of West Georgia with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to help them grow and develop into mature believers who, in turn, share the same news with others, including their families.

Please pray with us, and we invite you to join in to be a part of what God is doing in West GA!

Project Knoxville

In 2010, Angela Achenbach became acquainted with Children’s Bible Ministries by volunteering at one of their camps. Then in 2014, she left her teaching career to become a full-time missionary in the American Public School System through Bible Released Time (BRT). The Lord began opening the door for the expansion of BRT in Knox County, and Angela is excited about the opportunity to Follow His LEAD – Loving, Educating, and Discipling future generations with the Truth of God’s Word. It is her desire partner with churches to reach public school students with the gospel.

Mission Statement:

To teach young people the Truth of God’s Word that they may desire to know, love, and serve Him all the days of their lives.  Register LEAD

Email address: followhislead.angela@gmail.com

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Support the LEAD Project Missionary Support Project Knox Ministry

Website: https://followhislead.org

Project Texas – The Shepherd’s Place

The Shepherd’s Place is a part of Children’s Bible Ministries that has been working since 1935 to bring Bible classes, lessons and camp to children and their families.  Our sole focus has been to tell children and families that God loves them and that He has provided a way of salvation and abundant life through His Son Jesus.  Fast forward 85 years later and CBM is still dedicated to the same purpose of sharing the life-changing Gospel message with children and their families.

In today’s mixed-up world, the Shepherd’s Place is working to bring Bible lessons to children wherever they are using the language that they speak.  Initially, the Shepherd’s Place was going to work on location in the mountains of the Philippines.  But God has re-directed through some personal physical limitations as well as the limitations due to world-wide lockdowns.  As a result, the Shepherd’s Place is now located in the heart of Texas and is able to reach even more children than originally planned.  This is being done through the development and provision of Bible lessons in a paperless online format as well as the traditional “Mailbox Club” type lessons.  So far these lessons are being offered in English, Spanish, Filipino and Chinese.  For more information on these lessons, go to shepherds-place.org.

In addition to providing Bible lessons to children and their families, the Shepherd’s Place also provides ministry support to local churches as well as ministries around the world.  They do this through many different ways …  pulpit supply and teaching, provision of bi-lingual Bible lessons, aiding with website development, assisting with camp programs, etc. … anything they can do to help others reach children and their families with the Gospel message and then help disciple them to live according to its Truth. 

Please pray for the Bryant family as they work to develop the ministries of the Shepherd’s Place.  They are still in need of prayer and financial support partners.

Mission Statement:
The mission of the Shepherd’s Place is to bring Bible lessons and resources to children and their families.  Our primary focus is to tell them that God loves them and that He has provided a way of salvation through His son Jesus.  Our goal then is to equip them to live an abundant life through the study of His Word, the Bible.

The Mission of Little Lambs International is to serve and empower orphaned children worldwide, by the love of Jesus Christ. We will do that by encouraging, enabling, and teaching them to reach their full potential, giving them knowledge, skills, and confidence to become contributing members of society and leaders of the next generation.

Ryanne entered the internship program in 2014 with the desire to serve in ministry with horses. After graduating the internship she pursued becoming a full time missionary with CBM and began support raising, later becoming a pre-field missionary at CBM HQ. As she was getting close to her support rising goal, God opened an unexpected door. She is currently serving full-time in partnership with Little Lambs International’s orphanage in Guatemala.

 Her focus is to help with training the horses so that they can be used in the horse-assisted therapy program started by directors Sam and Michelle Waddell. While she doesn’t know how long God will have her in Guatemala, she is excited to see how He will use the passion He has given her for horse ministry wherever He calls her to go.

Our goal for 2021 is to raise feed sponsors for each of the horses of little lambs. At the present time all 9 of the horses at little lambs are fed by self supporting missionaries. Raising horse sponsors at $50 a month would cover the cost of grain that our horses receive daily and relieve some of the financial burden of the horse ministry off the missionaries. If you are interested in joining this campaign you can give at https://www.continuetogive.com/GuatemalaHorseSponsorship. 

Support Ryanne More Information


CBM Project Michigan


CBM Project Michigan seeks to bring Released Time Classes to public school students along the West Michigan lakeshore, beginning in Grand Haven; to offer correspondence lessons to these students; and to partner with local Christian camps in the West Michigan area to expose Released Time kids to camp ministry.  Todd  and Carla Witters served for 4 years with CBM of SWPA / Camp Cornerstone.  During their time there, Todd was the Released Time Director, Carla was the Bookkeeper / Office Manager and they  both provided leadership for summer camp along with filling many other miscellaneous roles.  In the spring of 2021, doors opened for them to take what they had learned back to their home state of Michigan to begin a new CBM Project.  Todd will serve as the Project Leader and Carla as the Office Manager.  Both will also teach Released Time Classes and use other opportunities in the community to reach public school children with the gospel.  They will also be recruiting additional staff or volunteers to assist with the teaching and ministry.  Their desire is to begin in the fall of 2021, Lord willing.  There are over 40 schools in the county where they will serve as well as numerous schools in the county to the north.  Their goal is to partner with area churches who could provide volunteers, classroom space, transportation and funding to establish Released Time Classes in as many schools as God gives opportunity. 


The purpose of CBM Project Michigan is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to public school children in West Michigan, teach them Christian values and doctrine, build relationships with them and their families, expose them to Christian Camping, and connect them to a local church for fellowship and discipleship.




Or support either / both via check written to CBM and mailed to:

160 Bear Lodge Dr
PO Box 278
Townsend, TN  37882

When mailing a check, please indicate with a note which item you would like to support.



If you are interested in becoming involved with Project Michigan as a volunteer, prayer partner or church, please go to our website (see above), and click on the link to “get involved or connect with us”.  We look forward to working with you!


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