By CBM National intern, Paul Daly –
“Who is my neighbor?” the lawyer tested Jesus. In his mind, neighbors were those that were of his nationality and religion. His neighbor was the man that was a Jew, like him. The lawyer’s intention behind the question was flawed. Nevertheless, Jesus’ intention behind His answer was different, and His response teaches us a profound lesson about the love that He expects from us.
Rather than answering, “A Jew should love a Jew,” like I believe the lawyer wanted to hear, Jesus tells him a story. Jesus never reveals ...
Faith Stays
Written by Ryanne Stout
Today was the picture of one of the hardest things about my job. This morning we got the call that one of our lambs was leaving later today. It’s been a busy week and was already shaping up to be a busy weekend before we got that call.
Working at an orphanage is an emotional roller coaster. There are so many ups and downs while a child is with us. We see them processing and dealing with whatever it was that landed them here in the first place which for all our kids is some sort of abuse. Often, they have to reconcile the desire to go ...
We are God’s Workmanship: An Intern Mission Trip Update
By CBM Mission Team
Zachary Douthit
I haven't done many things but I can mark off going on a mission trip overseas. For the mission trip this year we went to Ukraine. We went to two places there: Desna, a large military base out in the country of around 10,000 soldiers and Bilogordka a small town outside of Kyiv the capital of Ukraine. We were going to help run the camps that the Churches there were running. My task was to prepare a lesson to teach the teens.
In Desna, we did a lot of stuff with the kids like sing silly songs, play games, and do a craft. Then ...
Written by Mark Redka
If you need to know about kindergarten, just ask me, I attended three of them. No, I didn’t spend 3 years in kindergarten, our family just moved a lot that year. My first kindergarten was my favorite. My mom would pick up the kids down the street and drive us to some house in the west end of town where we spent our day, coloring and playing until nap time. When that was over, this old couple (they were probably in their 50’s, but when you’re 5, that’s ancient) brought us cookies and the best chocolate milk that ever graced ...
How the Internship Helped Me Have a Better Understanding of Ministry
Written by Jerrid Currey
Since joining the Internship, I have had the pleasure and privilege of learning more and more about ministry and God’s calling on my life. I have been in this Internship for a total of nine months so far and still have three to go but within just that short, amazing time I have learned more about ministry than I have in my whole life. I’ve learned that if you are going to be a missionary you must dive into it with everything you got because it is really hard work. I have learned this through the shared experience and guidance of ...