Wild Willie’s Adventures

By William Martin, CBM National Intern –

My name is William Martin and I am an intern with Children’s Bible Ministries. My time here at Children’s Bible Ministries (CBM) National Headquarters has been great so far. I have made a lot of new friends and have grown in my relationship with the Lord. The first few weeks were a little rough, at times, but I really think I am starting to settle in.


We have had quite a few classes so far that have been really helpful. One of the first classes we had was on how to be a good Christian leader. This was a great class for me since I have always pictured myself as a follower rather than a leader. One other class that I enjoyed was a class on Evangelism. Here we learned how to use our own personal stories to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.


One thing I have thoroughly enjoyed the past four months is a program called Skoolzoutt. Skoolzoutt is, when kids get out of school for a holiday or a break, they have the opportunity to come to camp for a day and learn about Jesus. The other interns and I have been helping with this at CBM’s Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go. What better way to spend a day than having fun with the kids, all while teaching them the good news of Christ!


One thing the Lord has been teaching me here in the program is patience. Even though things might not go your way, I have learned to trust God in everything. If we can learn to put all our trust in the Lord, then what can go wrong? One thing I am looking forward to is our mission trip to Honduras in August. This will be my first ever mission trip, and I am looking forward to whatever God has in store for me next—whether it be trials for me to grow from or opportunities for me to teach—because “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13


Edited by CBM National

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Views: 455

1 Reply to "Wild Willie’s Adventures"

  • Carol Martin
    April 9, 2018 (2:55 pm)

    I’m encouraged to hear what a wonderful work God is doing in your life!

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