26 results for tag: CBM National internship program
God is Moving – An Update from the Honduras Mission Trip with Teams 7 & 8 CBM National Interns
Our team recently had the opportunity to go to La Paz, Honduras and serve with The Filling Station. We spoke in 3 local schools, able to not only have fun singing songs and playing games with the kids but to present the gospel as well! We also had the chance to run a day camp at the feeding center for 3 days, have a youth night for the youth of the area, a community movie night where we showed “I Can Only Imagine,” and helped open the feeding center one night to feed the community. We praise the Lord for the opportunity to share the love of Christ with all those we met.
Jacquelyn Davis, National Intern Coordinator
It is amazing to me to ...
CBM Intern – Grow, Kalaya, Grow
By CBM National Intern, Kalaya Beyer -
I had never understood why I needed to be in the Word of God all of the time. Last year I made the mistake of joining a different internship program that rarely had me in the Word, except on weekday mornings. I didn't realize how detrimental it would be to my spiritual life until month three when my life got dark. Without God being constantly around me and in my hand and in my thoughts, my vision for what He wanted me to do faded and I felt lost. So lost.
I am not blaming anyone for what happened to me last year. I knew I was supposed to be trying to get closer to God. I know for a fact that I didn't ...
Christian Intern – Trusting God Through Fear
By CBM National intern, Priscilla Depew -
Hello everyone! As I write this, I am on my third rotation at Camp Grace in Fairmont, North Carolina. I figured I would share my testimony, since this is my last rotation. I became a Christian when I was seven years old. My mom and I were sitting in the living room, doing a Bible lesson, when I accepted Jesus as my Savior. Nothing huge happened. It wasn’t like I immediately felt changed, and I remember wondering about that. As seven-year-olds do, however, I didn’t really dwell on that thought for long. Over the next 6 years, I said I was a Christian, but I wasn’t growing spiritually. I ...
Christian Internship – Unchangeable To Changed
By CBM National intern, Ansley Blake -
Being part of the sixth group of interns here with Children's Bible Ministries has been such a blessing in my life! It is so exciting to see how ministry works behind the scenes here at Tuckaleechee Retreat Center, CBM’s National Headquarters. I have achieved so many “firsts” during my four months in Townsend—from traveling to volunteer at a few of the CBM camps to experience in maintenance. God is constantly on the move, showing me how to be more like Him each day. The Lord has greatly changed me in many ways through this internship and it is only May!
The most recent camp I had the privilege of ...
CBM Intern – Great Opportunities
By CBM National intern, Josh Hopper -
Hi! My name is Joshua Hopper. I’m a CBM National Intern from Indiana. I just want to
say that God is so amazing. In the four months that I have been here at CBM National Headquarters, I have seen God’s love pouring out on kids everywhere.
In my first four months as an intern I have had the opportunity to work with a local church youth group by teaching, helping, and investing time into the youth; telling them about the love that Jesus has for them. As I have worked with the youth group I have seen some of the kids change for Christ. It’s amazing to see the work that God ...