CBM Intern – Grow, Kalaya, Grow

By CBM National Intern, Kalaya Beyer –

I had never understood why I needed to be in the Word of God all of the time. Last year I made the mistake of joining a different internship program that rarely had me in the Word, except on weekday mornings.  I didn’t realize how detrimental it would be to my spiritual life until month three when my life got dark. Without God being constantly around me and in my hand and in my thoughts, my vision for what He wanted me to do faded and I felt lost. So lost.

I am not blaming anyone for what happened to me last year. I knew I was supposed to be trying to get closer to God.  I know for a fact that I didn’t try hard enough and let the enemy’s lies feed my mind.

I’ve been the most invested in the book of Nehemiah since I’ve been here. I admire him for praying before he does everything and, though I have lots of faith, I want to be the kind of person that listens completely to God’s guidance instead of doing what I want.

I joined CBM because I knew from their website and the past intern videos that I would grow. I knew they wouldn’t hold my hand in my spiritual life, but they would guide me and show me ways to do it. I thank God for bringing me here.

I’ve met some of my closest friends here and would do anything for them. I’ve grown so much and I can see it in my daily life. My new Bible has study notes in it and I find myself getting excited about them.

I highly suggest throwing yourself completely into God’s word.

Edited by CBM National

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