CBM Intern – Just Wait

Matthew Mashburn, CBM National Intern –

There are many times in the Christian life where you just want to quit, right? Don’t tell me I’m alone in this. Sometimes things are just so hard you’re pressed near the point of quitting. You’re out of breath.  You’ve been serving for so long and, maybe, people are speaking against you or no one is responding to the service you’re giving. No matter what the exact situation may be, you’re just tired. I’m in that spot while writing this. But for you, fellow brother or sister, I bring hope.

Did you know that nothing in this universe happens without God’s say so? A. W. Pink, a 20th century theologian, puts it best in his book The Sovereignty of God when he says, “Nothing in all the vast universe can come to pass otherwise than God has eternally purposed. Here is a foundation of faith. Here is a resting place for the intellect. Here is an anchor for the soul, both sure and steadfast. It is not blind fate, unbridled evil, man or Devil, but the Lord Almighty who is ruling the world, ruling it according to His own good pleasure and for His own eternal glory.” Right there in the middle he uses a phrase that I personally love. “Here is an anchor for the soul,” he says, before continuing to help me make my point. God’s eternal grip on the universe is an anchor for the soul.

The soul, which in Old Testament writing refers to the whole existence of a person, is anchored by this truth: Nothing comes to pass without receiving God’s permission. Maybe that seems simple, but let me explain. That means that whatever circumstance has beset you, to fret you, has been allowed by God for his sovereign purpose which we know, by scripture, is ultimately to work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.  And that purpose is to be conformed to the image of Christ! Think about that, brother or sister. God has intentionally allowed your present circumstances to be a gift, something to be considered for joy, because that test or trial is going to chip away at your character as you’re sculpted into the image of King Jesus.

Throw your anchor right there. Let yourself sink in that truth. If anchors are to steady the ship, then be steadied by the truth. Don’t drift, stay still. Find peace in what God has provided as a means of growth. Firmly plant yourself amidst the ocean storms with your trusty anchor of who God is, eternally faithful and sovereignly graceful. If your soul is drifting, experiencing storms, or feeling like drowning, I encourage you to be anchored to the truth of God’s word. He hasn’t brought you out on the sea to drown you but to reveal to you His power and work within your life as you’re made like Christ.

Nothing can be better to hear. Nothing can be more satisfying than those words. If you consider the truth of God’s infinite control, there’s no other proper attitude than patience. His timing is best, so don’t quit. Just wait, believer, just wait. God is at work within you.


Your friendly neighborhood CBM intern — Matt Mashburn

Edited by CBM National

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