26 results for tag: Christian internship program
Loving God by Loving Your Brother
By Adam Lowry, CBM National Intern -
Now that I'm near the end of my internship, one thing that I've seen from each of the camps I've gone to, is brotherly, godly love. The staff has treated me as one of them, to the point that I could feel God through them. Love is seen all over in the Bible, since the beginning of time. Because God loved us first, He has shown us how to love and given us examples of His love. The greatest example God’s of love is the story of Jesus Christ. Since the very beginning of the Bible, God has shown His love to man. Even though He requires death as punishment for sin, God promised a redeemer who would come to earth ...
A New Voyage
By Dennis Farris, CBM National Intern -
The ropes are released and you can hear the soft whir as the engine starts. The boat slowly begins moving forward across the water. The captain begins to steer, to ensure a safe departure, and consults his maps and instruments to ensure a safe voyage. At this point, one must put his faith in the boat, that it won't sink or fall apart, and in the captain, that he may get you safely across the seas. When we are called of God, our journey into a life with Him can be seen as something similar. We throw off the ropes, the things that tie us down and hold us back, (for me, this would be things such as anxiety ...
Losing it All to Gain Everything
By Ryan Everritt, CBM National Intern -
1 Thessalonians 5:18 (ESV) “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
How often do we thank God? I can't answer for anyone but myself. And you know your own self. It's easy to thank God for a new day and the food you eat. But do we thank God “in all circumstances”--even in the hard times? Surely when you get a job promotion, or you get a new car, or something wonderful happens, there's cause for celebration. But what if you lost your job, your home, or a family member passed away--what then? Will you blame God or thank Him giving them to you ...
Faith that Moves Mountains
By Adam Lowry, CBM National Intern -
Most people in the world struggle with faith. I would have to say that I really don’t have a struggle with faith as much as others seem to. I’ve lived most of my life through faith in God and He has proven faithful every time.
As a kid I used to be really shy and afraid of people. After getting saved I wanted God to use me in any way He wanted. God moved me from home school to public school, which pushed me out of my comfort zone. God was strengthening my faith and driving out the fear in me. Here are a few examples of faithful followers in the Bible.
Abraham is mentioned several times in the Bible ...
Be that Light
By Sarah Pafford, CBM Alumtern -
I’ve recently been very drawn to the story of Jesus sending out the twelve apostles in Matthew chapter 10. Here we see Jesus tell these twelve men to leave everything in the pursuit to heal the sick and to drive out impure spirits, but with a few conditions. They are to take nothing with them and they are to focus solely on the lost sheep of Israel, not the Gentiles. These two conditions very much pricked my heart.
1.“Go! But don’t take anything.”
We live in an environment where needs are often met without much concern of where the provision will come from. But what if God told you to leave all the ...