25 results for tag: cbm interns
Christian Intern – Trusting God Through Fear
By CBM National intern, Priscilla Depew -
Hello everyone! As I write this, I am on my third rotation at Camp Grace in Fairmont, North Carolina. I figured I would share my testimony, since this is my last rotation. I became a Christian when I was seven years old. My mom and I were sitting in the living room, doing a Bible lesson, when I accepted Jesus as my Savior. Nothing huge happened. It wasn’t like I immediately felt changed, and I remember wondering about that. As seven-year-olds do, however, I didn’t really dwell on that thought for long. Over the next 6 years, I said I was a Christian, but I wasn’t growing spiritually. I ...
Christian Internship – Changing Lives One Step at a Time
By CBM National intern, Josh Hopper -
I am on rotation at Camp Red Arrow. We are preparing for an amazing summer of the Lord’s work in the lives of all the children that will be attending summer camp here. It will be wonderful to see how the Lord moves in the lives of these kids this summer.
Many of the kids coming to camp this year will be lost, broken, and searching for answers. See, for some of these kids, camp is the only exposure to Jesus Christ that they will ever have. That’s why camp is so important, because it is where kids can come and find healing through Jesus.
I have been at Camp Red Arrow for a month now, doing ...
CBM Intern – Great Opportunities
By CBM National intern, Josh Hopper -
Hi! My name is Joshua Hopper. I’m a CBM National Intern from Indiana. I just want to
say that God is so amazing. In the four months that I have been here at CBM National Headquarters, I have seen God’s love pouring out on kids everywhere.
In my first four months as an intern I have had the opportunity to work with a local church youth group by teaching, helping, and investing time into the youth; telling them about the love that Jesus has for them. As I have worked with the youth group I have seen some of the kids change for Christ. It’s amazing to see the work that God ...
CBM Intern – Two Things That Everyone Has to Deal With
By CBM National intern, Joe Kirkland -
There are two things that are sure in life—death and taxes. Taxes are easy to explain, biblically. Tithes in the Old Testament acted as a tax to take care of those who had no means to live. Taxes were used by every other empire, requiring everyone to give a percentage of their overall profit or harvest. Those taxes were used to build empires, armies, and political campaigns. It’s kind of the way the people are supposed to give back to the government that they live under.
Death is the trickier of the two to talk about. There are three things to say about your life: how you lived in the past, how ...
CBM Intern – Let God Lead
By CBM National intern, Jake Taylor -
As the end of my rotation at Camp Grace is around the corner, I find myself reflecting on my previous experiences. I realized that I had been looking at my past in the wrong light. When I worked at my former job I felt used and abused so I lashed out in anger at my boss, at my coworkers, even at the metal shelf I bumped my head on. I was so angry with my circumstances that I never thought about what I was learning. However, because of that job, I gained so many useful skills such as customer service and feeling comfortable with whatever vehicle I am driving.
When I took this internship I ...