CBM Intern – Let God Lead
By CBM National intern, Jake Taylor –
As the end of my rotation at Camp Grace is around the corner, I find myself reflecting on my previous experiences. I realized that I had been looking at my past in the wrong light. When I worked at my former job I felt used and abused so I lashed out in anger at my boss, at my coworkers, even at the metal shelf I bumped my head on. I was so angry with my circumstances that I never thought about what I was learning. However, because of that job, I gained so many useful skills such as customer service and feeling comfortable with whatever vehicle I am driving.
When I took this internship I didn’t think any of that would be useful but, so far, I have driven 2,400 miles just during this rotation. On my second trip from North Carolina to Florida to get donations for the camp I rode by myself most of the way. During that time it hit me: I had been doing my job day to day and not being appreciative of what God had been teaching me here! I spent a lot of that drive thanking God for everything He had let me experience and the opportunities to share my testimony. I may not have had a bad string of events happen like Job, but I was reminded of Job 2:10, “But Job replied, ‘You talk like a foolish woman. Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?’ So in all this, Job said nothing wrong.” I have been trying to remember that God is in control, in both the good and bad.
Everything He takes us through is for our growth so we can serve Him better. Some of us will be taken through things that are really hard at times but, through those experiences, we learn to rely on Him more. We will all be taken through things that will allow us to reach different types of people. God loves to use broken people for His glory. He has taught me a lot here. I love getting the job done and giving it 100% but I also need to take care of the people on my team. So, whether your team for the day is you by yourself on a project or working with others, keep God first and make sure everyone is taken care of. The rest will fall into place! I have really enjoyed my time here at Camp Grace, and I can’t wait to see what God has planned for the future!
How can God use you and your talents to further His kingdom?
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