CBM Intern – God-given Opportunities

By CBM National intern, Joe Kirkland –

How much would you be willing to spend to be able to talk to someone about God? I had an opportunity like that once. All I had to do was give someone some gas, or even pump it for them while talking about God, but I did not. I had a good 5 minutes of being able to talk to them about their father in the hospital and where he might go when he dies, but I never got to fully explain the gospel to them before they left. I regret not using that God-given opportunity to the fullest, but I know God will use it to His glory somehow.

God gives us opportunities like that sometimes, ones that we don’t use to the fullest. However, God is faithful to give us other opportunities; someone dropping a load of coins on the ground might be just the right time to bend over and help pick them up, then through that action impact that person or someone else positively for God. God gives us opportunities that we don’t like or don’t want to act on. These are the ones where we just wait to see how something plays out, not knowing how it would have played out on its own if we hopped in.

God uses opportunities to teach us what we should look out for, and how we should act on those opportunities He has given us. It’s a part of growing as a Christian to learn these things, gain wisdom from them, and to learn to trust God through them.

God has been using my rotation at Cornerstone Ministry Center in SWPA as a CBM National intern, to provide me with opportunities. Ones that could use more effort, ones that are short, kind gestures, and ones that I simply let slip by. All of these teach me to be on the lookout for other God-given opportunities and then trust God to show me how to act on them.

Just don’t forget, even if you do neglect an opportunity that God gives you, He has a plan for it.

How can God use you and your talents to further His kingdom?
Find out more about how the internship can train and equip you!!

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