CBM Intern – How can God Use a Guy Like Me
By CBM intern, Matt Presley –
Perhaps one of the most pressing questions on this path God has me on as a CBM National intern is how can God use a guy like me to reach youth and guide them to Him? Sometimes I wonder how I can relate, given the age gap. I don’t have much experience in camp life or with kids in general. I’ve had more of a selfish outlook than a servant’s heart for a long time. This experience as an intern is all so new to me. I’m learning as I go. What I find awesome though, is how easy these things come to me when God presents the opportunity. He always gives us ways to grow and realize who we are in Him, as long as we’re open to His help and guidance.
How is God using me and growing me? I’ve been able to share the truth with a young man who has been through and seen things no one should. I’ve led youth groups and Bible studies. I’ve had fun canoeing around Camp Ozone’s lake with young camp kids, splashing each other and horsing around. I’ve been a part of an old school pond baptism. I’ve served at a mobile food pantry. I’ve even done some babysitting for good measure. The truth is, I’m just the guy for the job God has put before me because He designed it just for me. He’s always known it; I’m just trying to catch up. So when you find yourself questioning your place in God’s world, keep an eye out, because He’s always ready to show you! All my best and God bless!!!
Edited by: CBM National
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