4 results for tag: Childrens Ministry

CBM Intern – How can God Use a Guy Like Me

By CBM intern, Matt Presley - Perhaps one of the most pressing questions on this path God has me on as a CBM National intern is how can God use a guy like me to reach youth and guide them to Him? Sometimes I wonder how I can relate, given the age gap. I don't have much experience in camp life or with kids in general. I've had more of a selfish outlook than a servant’s heart for a long time. This experience as an intern is all so  new to me. I'm learning as I go. What I find awesome though, is how easy these things come to me when God presents the opportunity. He always gives us ways to grow and realize who we are in Him,  as long as we're ...

What We Do Will Vibrate Through Eternity

Carolyn King, Director of CBM in Maryland went to be with the Lord this past October. She will be greatly missed by all of us. We will treasure memories of her always. Reading the newsletter from Maryland this month, I am touched by one of her legacies that will live on through her the summer missionary intern program. She, along with others has taught many young adults how to share the Gospel with children. This report is from one the summer missionary interns young adults: From Talyah asking, “Why does God always yell when everybody’s in church?” to a clubber shouting “Fairy” in response to the review question, “Who freed ...

Christian Object Lessons – How to Develop a Creative Mindset

Developing Christian object lessons is a mindset. I've been putting them together for years and I think they are simply the coolest, most fun part of any Bible lesson. My Bible stories for children always contain at least one object lesson. As a result, I'm always on the prowl for something I can use to drive a point home to kids. You need to develop a mindset that no matter where you are or what you do; there is always a potential object or situation that can be incorporated into an object lesson. Don't forget to keep within reach a way to write or record these ideas so they aren't forgotten! So Where Do You Find Objects? Garage sales are my ...

Children Say the Darndest Things

Art Linkletter said that children say the darndest things.  Well, here’s a little chuckle for you. While presenting the gospel at one of our clubs, the speaker first talked about how much God loved each one. Then he continued to explain that we had all been born with sin. He asked if anyone knew what we were all born with, looking for the answer of “sin”. One little girl proudly raised her hand and gave her answer—“ a belly button!”  Jesus loves children and said, “whoever welcomes a little child like this ( he must have had one in his arms) in my name, welcomes me” (Matt 18:5) Children’s Bible Ministries welcomes ...