3 results for tag: children’s bible ministries
By Kira Frank, CBM National Intern -
Ministering can be very exhausting, especially over a long period of time. In the past few months I’ve found myself just that way—exhausted. For some time I thought it was okay. I thought there was nothing I could really do about it, besides to just keep going, but that wasn’t the case. While serving at Camp Grace these past few months, I’ve learned how important it is to find my strength in Christ.
Many weeks this summer I would get halfway through a week of counseling and feel as though I couldn’t make it through the end of the week. I would get discouraged by things like ...
Lions, Tigers and Bears, OH MY!
Did you ever wander what Daniel felt like when he was thrown into
the den of lions? Do you think he was afraid of those lions? Would
you be afraid if someone lowered you into a den of lions and closed
the entrance? You bet ya! I would have been terrified but Dan wasn’t
afraid. He knew that God would take care of him no matter what. I can
just imagine Daniel talking to the lions and petting them like big old
pussy cats! He probably used one as a big fluffy pillow that night.
In the morning when the king called to Daniel he replied, “My God hath
sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not hurt
me:” Daniel ...
Children Say the Darndest Things
Art Linkletter said that children say the darndest things. Well, here’s a little chuckle for you. While presenting the gospel at one of our clubs, the speaker first talked about how much God loved each one. Then he continued to explain that we had all been born with sin. He asked if anyone knew what we were all born with, looking for the answer of “sin”. One little girl proudly raised her hand and gave her answer—“ a belly button!” Jesus loves children and said, “whoever welcomes a little child like this ( he must have had one in his arms) in my name, welcomes me” (Matt 18:5) Children’s Bible Ministries welcomes ...