3 results for tag: children’s camps
By Kira Frank, CBM National Intern -
Ministering can be very exhausting, especially over a long period of time. In the past few months I’ve found myself just that way—exhausted. For some time I thought it was okay. I thought there was nothing I could really do about it, besides to just keep going, but that wasn’t the case. While serving at Camp Grace these past few months, I’ve learned how important it is to find my strength in Christ.
Many weeks this summer I would get halfway through a week of counseling and feel as though I couldn’t make it through the end of the week. I would get discouraged by things like ...
Your Sponsorship is Worth the Sacrifice
Here is note from a CBM Camp counselor who worked this summer at Children’s Bible Ministries of Virginia.
“I know that the camper’s letters are treasured by you, but I hope you don’t mind also hearing from a counselor. We are so exceedingly thankful for your generous heart! If you could look out upon the faces of these children- from diverse circumstances and backgrounds, some happy and stable, others in situations that we wish children would never see- ALL with one thing in common: their need to be saved for eternity. Here this week, many met their Savior for the first time! You stepped forward and God used you as His instrument ...
Independence Day at Camp Gilead–Creation Critters
Have you ever spent the 4th of July with 45 noisy children? You missed the fun!
Creation Critters Camp started on Sunday afternoon, July 3. Monday was a typical (?) Creation Critter Camp day. To celebrate “July 4th” Chef “Mr. Bob” threw in corn on the cob and apple pie! Then it got dark! Everyone gathered on the new deck for patriotic music, fireworks and sparklers. We had “Happy Campers”!
Tuesday afternoon the littlest campers arrived for the remainder of the week. These are the primaries—campers that will enter grades 2 or 3 in the fall. They have had the best time! They love their counselor. Every counselor is ...