Independence Day at Camp Gilead–Creation Critters
Have you ever spent the 4th of July with 45 noisy children? You missed the fun!
Creation Critters Camp started on Sunday afternoon, July 3. Monday was a typical (?) Creation Critter Camp day. To celebrate “July 4th” Chef “Mr. Bob” threw in corn on the cob and apple pie! Then it got dark! Everyone gathered on the new deck for patriotic music, fireworks and sparklers. We had “Happy Campers”!
Tuesday afternoon the littlest campers arrived for the remainder of the week. These are the primaries—campers that will enter grades 2 or 3 in the fall. They have had the best time! They love their counselor. Every counselor is the greatest! They have made new best friends. Everything with this group is terrific—just a few homesick.
With two camps being at the same time, the leaders had to get creative in their scheduling. Ron Yeater has been doing lots of speaking –10 sessions with the Creation Critters Group and then added title of “Missionary Speaker” to the primaries. He has had fun dressing up in African garb and telling stories about his missionary service in Africa. One morning he came in so dressed up his grandchildren did not even know it was him!
Creation Critters campers have gone on spider hunts and scorpion hunts, and have handled lots of the “critters”. One day they learned that they did not evolve from monkeys and found out that DNA makes us all different. They also learned why snakes are so scary. It has to do with the curse in Genesis 3.
For information contact Creation Critters
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