2 results for tag: children’s ministries ideas
Bible Lessons For Children – Incorporate Current Technology to Keep Lessons Relevant
Yes, at one time felt boards and overhead projectors were all the rage when presenting your Bible lessons for children. But, unless you have a toddler, preschool, or kindergarten class, I recommend you take a look at some other methods. Now, before someone gets upset... if overheads, felt boards and chalkboards are all you have, by all means use them! God can and will bring life to these tools. His word is alive and powerful! Believe me, I worked for years with little to no budget in kids ministry. Work technology in as you can. Use what you have to the fullest. But, as I am about to show you, it isn't always expensive and sometimes it's even ...
Christian Object Lessons – How to Develop a Creative Mindset
Developing Christian object lessons is a mindset. I've been putting them together for years and I think they are simply the coolest, most fun part of any Bible lesson. My Bible stories for children always contain at least one object lesson. As a result, I'm always on the prowl for something I can use to drive a point home to kids. You need to develop a mindset that no matter where you are or what you do; there is always a potential object or situation that can be incorporated into an object lesson. Don't forget to keep within reach a way to write or record these ideas so they aren't forgotten!
So Where Do You Find Objects?
Garage sales are my ...