Taking Ownership of your Gift

By CBM National intern, Matt Presley – 



So much has happened here in the CBM National Internship since my last blog, leaving me so much I could talk about, from the classes we’ve taken, books we’ve read, and projects we’ve accomplished, to the youth group lessons and activities, volunteer work weeks, mission conferences, and camp visits. But what I’m led to talk about is “Ownership.” That is, ownership of the life that God has given me. And, it’s not until one takes ownership of that life that he can truly live it, take responsibility for it, and grow in it.
I arrived at CBM National Headquarters having been given a new life and direction from the Lord. I had the enthusiasm many have when they’ve found something new and exciting, something they know can bring them joy, purpose, fulfillment, and so much more that God has yet to reveal. But I don’t feel like I took ownership of that life until now. It seemed I was filling the shoes of a position that belonged to someone else. Someone more qualified, someone more deserving. And, as you may know, feelings often lie.
The more I listened to those lies instead of the truth from my the Spirit, the more I fell victim to discouragement, and the more I sought other comforts, taking less steps to begin living out the path God had laid out before me. Going through the motions, treating my internship program as a job that I got to leave behind once the day was over. Quickly returning to the comfort of solitude. Not exerting the energy I should to involve myself in the world around me that I was so generously given. But fortunately, God knows where I fall short and He never gives up.
I have often found, when we’re on a godly path and begin to wander from it, the Lord finds subtle ways to lead us back. Whether it be a word, a passage, a conversation, a sermon, or countless other ways, He finds a way of reaching us where we can hear what He’s trying to say. He knows just the right way to encourage us.
I have always had a problem with the question, “Where do you see yourself 5-10 years down the road?” Before becoming a follower of Christ, I was unhappy for so long, without any direction of my own, or hope of joy and fulfillment, that even if it were possible to picture myself years later, I wouldn’t have wanted to know what that looked like. But not anymore! I can finally see myself doing something that I not only enjoy, but that is ordained with godly purpose. Today I have hope.
Take ownership of the gifts God has given you. Make them yours. In doing this, you will fight for them. You will do what is necessary to keep them safe and sacred. The more you do, the more you will want to do. The more you will want to share God’s blessings with those around you. Discouragement and lies will be met with the full power of the Holy Spirit and the weight of heaven at your back. On this road my friends, no matter how long or how short, you will know peace, joy, purpose, and fulfillment that only He can give.

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2 Replies to "Taking Ownership of your Gift"

  • Marilyn Lyle
    April 22, 2016 (9:37 pm)

    Thanks for sharing your heart. I take it as a pleasure and a blessing to have met you. May God continue to guide your steps, I will look forward to see the path HE has for you.

  • Author
    May 6, 2016 (2:27 pm)

    Thank you so much Marilyn! It takes a big heart to know one (= I’ve enjoyed our talks throughout this first 4 months and look forward to our paths crossing again soon! Take care and God Bless!

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