CBM Intern – It Doesn’t End Here
By CBM National intern, Jordan Mancari -
It's hard for me to believe, that by the time you read this I will have completed the CBM National Internship. It's been a great journey and God has blessed me in so many various ways. In this blog, I'm going to briefly share some of the things God has taught me at my different rotations.
Months at CBM HQ
During my 4 months of training at CBM HQ, one of the biggest things God taught me was to fully rely on Him. My biggest fear coming into the internship was raising support for our post-summer mission ...
4 things They Don’t Tell You About the CBM National Internship
By CBM National intern, Jordan Mancari -
I have now been a part of CBM’s National Internship program for 11 months. I can honestly say that coming into the internship, I really didn't know what to expect. So, here is a list of 4 things you'll experience during the internship.
1. You'll be stretched.
God will stretch you, farther than you have been in your entire life. You'll do things you never thought you'd be doing. But each task will bring honor to God and His kingdom.
2. You'll meet some amazing people.
Whether it be the kids or various different ...
CBM intern – Being a Humble Servant
By CBM National intern, - Jordan Mancari
If there were one major thing I'd say I've learned over the past 10 months of the CBM (Children's Bible Ministries) Internship, it's being a humble servant. But what exactly does it mean or look like to be a humble servant?
Being a humble servant means a lot more than just saying and doing what you’re told or supposed to do. It means humbling and submitting yourself to doing the work of the Lord for nothing in return, whatever it that work may be. Whether it's mowing grass, pressure washing, or helping in the kitchen, ...
CBM National Intern -Delight in Me
By CBM National intern, Jordan Mancari -
Over the past couple of weeks, I have been in Samson, AL at Camp Victory, on my second rotation as a CBM National Intern. During my time here, I have been helping with various different things, with one of those being Released Time. Released Time is one of CBM's programs where students are released from school once a month for 30-40 minutes and CBM missionaries or volunteers teach them a Bible story. With this, I've been fortunate to be placed in what I would call my comfort zone: teaching. Teaching is something I ...
CBM National intern – Listen and Obey
By CBM National intern, Jordan Mancari -
My summer rotation as a CBM National Intern was at CBM’s Camp Grace in Fairmont, NC, where I served as their media guy. When I first heard this would be my summer role, I kind of laughed and said, “Ok God, you took me out of college where I was doing digital media to come into ministry, and now you have me doing media again.” Of course, I asked Him why. Why are You asking me to do something again that I dislike doing? To me it just did not make any sense. The more I prayed, the more God kept showing me ...