CBM National Intern -Delight in Me

By CBM National intern, Jordan Mancari – 


Over the past couple of weeks, I have been in Samson, AL at Camp Victory, on my second rotation as a CBM National Intern. During my time here, I have been helping with various different things, with one of those being Released Time. Released Time is one of CBM’s programs where students are released from school once a month for 30-40 minutes and CBM missionaries or volunteers teach them a Bible story. With this, I’ve been fortunate to be placed in what I would call my comfort zone: teaching. Teaching is something I have always loved and as the verse says, we are called to be “disciples of all nations.”  When I think of teaching, I also look at the verse in Matthew where Jesus calls the first disciples to be fishers of men.


One of the biggest things I’ve been able to see with Released Time is God giving me the desire of my heart. As the verse says, “Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” I can honestly say this is true for me, because if there is one thing I really wanted to do in ministry, it was be able to teach.


Another thing I have seen God do is give me His eyes and heart for these children, who. come from all different types of backgrounds. What I’ve come to realize is you have to look past the kid and see God’s purpose for them, regardless of their situation. I’m so thankful that God has given me a heart for teaching His children about Him, and raising up future missionaries and leaders for the church and even the world.

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