CBM intern – Being a Humble Servant

By CBM National intern, –  Jordan Mancari


If there were one major thing I’d say I’ve learned over the past 10 months of the CBM (Children’s Bible Ministries) Internship, it’s being a humble servant. But what exactly does it mean or look like to be a humble servant?

Being a humble servant means a lot more than just saying and doing what you’re told or supposed to do. It means humbling and submitting yourself to doing the work of the Lord for nothing in return, whatever it that work may be. Whether it’s mowing grass, pressure washing, or helping in the kitchen, etc. I would also take it a step further and say it means not complaining while you are doing it.

But what else does it look like? I think what it looks like to really be a humble servant is to be willing to pursue and submit to the calling that God has on your life. That may be difficult for some of us to accept, but being a humble servant is more than just going through life as a bystander and passively waiting for an opportunity to show up. To me, it means actively seeking God’s will in your life and knowing that He has the ultimate control.

Deuteronomy 8:2-3 (ESV) says, “And you shall remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that He might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you keep His commandments or not.”

Always remember that God will humble us in all that we do, and it is His desire to turn us into humble servants who seek His will.

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