66 results for tag: CBM National Intern

Office work, office work, office work

By: CBM National Intern, Capree Simons Office work, office work, office work...fall is a busy time for Camp TaPaWinGo. Released Time classes are beginning, there are rental groups here every week, after school programs are being planned out and prepared for, and mailbox lessons are being assembled. A big part of what I've been working on during my time here has been the task of mailbox lessons. So far we have about 500 lessons that are ready to be sent out to kids all across the state and we are praying that these lessons will impact the lives of these children and will help them make the decision to follow Christ. In addition to preparing the ...


By CBM National Intern, David and Elizabeth Price Howdy everyone! We are doing fine and Elizabeth and baby Micah are doing terrific (stay tuned for pictures in our next post)! We are currently back at headquarters (Townsend, TN) and will be here until the end of this week, at which point we will be going to Camp Ozone, CBM's newest camp, for our final rotation.  Camp Ozone is in between Rockwood and Crossville, TN, and we will stay therethrough December. We are very excited about this because we feel very strongly that Ozone is the place where we will end up servingfull-time, and these last months of the year are a perfect opportunity for us to ...

CBM Mission Trip – Part of The Family

By CBM National Intern, Sarah Pafford I am continually amazed by the power of the body of Christ! Within a year, I've been from Spokane, Washington to Townsend, Tennessee to Mentone, Alabama, and now to La Paz, Honduras. At each of these places, I have found a home in the family of God, whether with many people or just a couple. The most exciting of these places, of course, has been Honduras. Never having visited a foreign country before, I didn’t know what to expect. I had imagined that being in a Spanish-speaking church would be an amazing experience but at the same time, that it might feel awkward and uncomfortable. We visited one small ...

What is God doing in Maryland?

By CBM National Intern, Tori Ford Is He really moving and working in Baltimore? Well, yes. He is most definitely at work in Baltimore and continuously has ministry going on throughout Maryland, and it is absolutely awesome that He has allowed me to be able to see just a touch of His work through my final CBM National internship rotation. When I was first told that I was being sent to the CBM area of Maryland, I didn't know that I would be working directly in the city of Baltimore (and this was shortly after all of the rioting had started). I wasn't particularly nervous about-coming here, but I had some doubt that I would actually get here at ...

Giving My Heart to the Lord, Every Last Bit (Literally)

By CBM National Intern, Ryanne Stout- We are almost finished with the summer at Camp Victory, with our last of 9 weeks camp weeks taking place now. I find myself wearing many different hats during a week of camp, like most of the full-time staff and summer staff. Some of my various jobs are: Breakfast Assistant, Evening Laundry Folder, Snow Cone Maker, and Assistant to the Techie (mostly making coffee, taking pictures, and changing batteries in the microphones). The hat I wear the most, which happens to be my favorite, is Horse Lady. I get to feed, groom, and train the 11 horses. Most days, I even enjoy cleaning saddles and horse blankets. I have ...