By CBM National Intern, David and Elizabeth Price

Howdy everyone! We are doing fine and Elizabeth and baby Micah are doing terrific (stay tuned for pictures in our next post)! We are currently back at headquarters (Townsend, TN) and will be here until the end of this week, at which point we will be going to Camp Ozone, CBM’s newest camp, for our final rotation.  Camp Ozone is in between Rockwood and Crossville, TN, and we will stay therethrough December. We are very excited about this because we feel very strongly that Ozone is the place where we will end up servingfull-time, and these last months of the year are a perfect opportunity for us to get our “feet wet” there. So, PLEASE PRAY for us about this decision and our time that will be spent there.



We had a fantastic summer at Camp Victory! I (David) was the head life guard and also helped with evening games, while Elizabeth taught a Bible class and helped out anywhere else that needed it. It was amazing to see God bring all 1,260 (give or take) campers to Victory and watch Him work in their lives. About 97 (again, give or take. I’m sorry I don’t have definite numbers) accepted Christ into their lives as their Lord and Saviour! Elizabeth and I were also very blessed to have made quite a number of excellent friendships with Victory’s full-time staff, and also with a number of the college staff. It was great to pour into their lives this summer and to have them pour into ours as well.

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I thank each and every one of you for praying for us over the summer and keeping us in your thoughts. The Lord has greatly blessed us with friends and family who love Him and love to see and be a part of the work that He is doing through us. We love each of you and give thanks to God for you. May the God of hope continue to richly and greatly bless you!


PLEASE continue to pray for the continuing good health of Elizabeth and baby Micah, future plans, AND that the Lord would bring alongside more financial supporters so that we can be 100% financially supported.

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