Office work, office work, office work

By: CBM National Intern, Capree Simons

Office work, office work, office work…fall is a busy time for Camp TaPaWinGo. Released Time classes are beginning, there are rental groups here every week, after school programs are being planned out and prepared for, and mailbox lessons are being assembled. A big part of what I’ve been working on during my time here has been the task of mailbox lessons. So far we have about 500 lessons that are ready to be sent out to kids all across the state and we are praying that these lessons will impact the lives of these children and will help them make the decision to follow Christ. In addition to preparing the mailing, I have also input information from Released Time permission forms from various counties so that children will get the chance to hear the gospel during their school day. It’s an amazing opportunity to be a part of something so important and I’m just glad that I can help it all unfold.


So here I am, hitting the halfway point for my rotation at Camp TaPaWinGo. After having been to two of the three camps I will be stationed at this year, I have learned a lot about myself, about others, and about how important the communication is between the two. There are times when I could feel myself being tested and pushed, and in those moments I found that it was up to me to push through and better myself in the end. You may not be able to do what you feel you want to do, but God blesses those who follow in the plan He has laid out. I can be extremely headstrong at times, which shows to be exactly the opposite of what God wants from me. In my quiet time, God has been showing me over and over that I have to fully surrender myself to Him and allow Him to guide me in the way He desires for me. This test has been very important at this time because I am nearing the end of my internship with CBM and there is the big question of, “So what’s next?” Which gets asked a lot. I simply don’t have an answer. I rest assured knowing that as long as I stay in God’s plan, He will reveal it to me piece by piece.

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