66 results for tag: CBM National Intern

CBM Intern: 8 Years of Perfect Planning

By CBM National Intern: Timmy Martens In Jeremiah 29:11, God tells Jeremiah that He has plans for him. Good plans. Though I know this verse is a promise to Jeremiah, I know that God has plans for my life, too. Ephesians 2:10 tells me that I am His workmanship, created to do good works that He has prepared beforehand. I often wonder what His plan would look like if written down on paper. Unfortunately, such a document doesn’t exist, but I can clearly see what God has already done. 1994 That was the year I was born. In St. Petersburg, Florida is where I spent my childhood. I was homeschooled, and I enjoyed an amazing home life with parents ...

Reflections From a CBM Intern – What is Love?

By CBM National Intern, Sarah Pafford “Jesus loves you.” This is a statement most of us have grown up hearing even if we weren’t raised in a Christian home. Jesus has always been known to love the unlovable and to love unconditionally. But do we truly live as such? Or do we live a daily defeated life where we feel we need to constantly earn His love for us? (Which we never could.) And what is love anyway? Is it the affection we show to a dear friend, family member, or significant other? What is love? This is a question I’ve been mulling over this week…really getting down to the fact of the matter, past the world's view, not to ...

CBM Full-time Ministry – Full Abandon

By CBM National Intern, Sarah Pafford This is for all my fellow brothers and sister that are considering full time ministry. Let’s be honest, it is probably the most spiritually rewarding thing you can do with your life, but it comes at a great price and is exhausting. You pour yourself out on a continual basis so you may serve the Lord to the fullest of your capacity. Of course, our Heavenly Father deserves our all.  It’s the least we can give, and it’s so completely worth any sacrifice we may have to make to follow Him. Just look at the disciples, especially Simon Peter, who has always been my favorite. Peter encountered Jesus while he was ...

CBM Interns – Summer Highlights

By CBM National Interns, David and Elizabeth Price We had a great summer and would love to share some highlights with you! David was the head lifeguard at Camp Victory this summer. Their program is set up with a morning and afternoon swim time with the boys and girls swimming separately from each other. That meant that the majority of David’s day was spent at the pool.  In addition to his pool responsibilities, he assisted with running evening games.  He really enjoyed getting to work with the staff and counselors throughout the day. The staff at Camp Victory was very accommodating when it came to Elizabeth’s pregnancy.  While she ...

CBM Intern’s Reflection – A Great Calling

By CBM National Intern: Sarah Pafford In our day and age, it's so easy to become distracted with little or big issues that seem to plague our generation. Just looking into the state our country is in, it can become easy to get caught up in debates and focus on the negatives happening around us. I am as guilty as the next person for becoming distracted by things of this world. Lately I've been reading through 1 Corinthians and have found myself encouraged and challenged by Paul's words. One thing that is continually mentioned throughout this book is how everything comes back to the gospel. Through different topics that Paul touches on, he reminds ...