66 results for tag: CBM National Intern

Where Two or More are Gathered

By CBM National intern, Stephanie Schwan - Hello friends, family, supporters, and online strangers! It's my first blog post as a CBM intern! Hip, hip, huzzah! I can't believe that as I write this we've been in the internship two and a half months already. The other interns and I have been busy taking Bible classes (we've had Ethics, Apologetics, and Evangelism so far; a survey of the Old Testament is coming up next), cleaning cabins (Groupon season is upon us, which means lots and lots of guests), helping out with a local church's youth ministry, traveling to and helping at other CBM camps, assisting with events here at the Tuckaleechee Retreat ...

New Adventures and Beautiful Faces

By CBM National interns, Scott and Jerri Carpenter - As CBM National interns, we get to travel a lot. I think we all love that we are getting to go to a new place, but not all of us love the driving portion of it. No matter what we are doing, even driving, we do it all for the glory of God! During these long trips (or even sometimes the short ones) conversations are had, thoughts are processed, and/or prayers are belted out. With us (Scott and Jerri), we get to do all of these things together! Why not take advantage of this awesome time God has given us? Sometimes the conversations are fun and bubbly , and other times, they are more ...

Stay Present – An Intern’s Reflection

By CBM National intern, Mark Martens - 86,400 seconds. 1,440 minutes. 24 hours. Each of these measurements shows how much time is in a day and we all know that time is very important to each and every one of us. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 says, “There is an occasion for everything, and a time for every activity under heaven: a time to give birth and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot; a time to kill and a time to heal; a time to tear down and a time to build; a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance; a time to throw stones and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace and a time to avoid embrac...

Desires of the Heart

By CBM National intern, Matt Presley - So back in October I began talking to God about what my next step in life was. I was two months away from finishing a ten month internship program at the Blake House, a faith based men's regeneration program. It was now time to start looking for a job, which I was praying would include God's purpose. A month later and a long story short, He said "I've got the perfect thing! How about another internship program with a children's ministry!?" Scripture says when you seek God, He'll give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). Just know it often doesn't look the way you would have it. Here I am, 36 years ...

Four Labels You Need to Let Go Of

By CBM National intern, Paul Daly- I’m at that point in life where it’s time to discover who I am. What do I believe? How do I think? Who should I be? Recently, I’ve become a label collector. Labels are good, if used correctly. Through them, I’ve learned a lot about who God has made me to be. But sometimes, we need to lose those labels because they hold us back. We say things such as, “Well, I can’t do that because I’m this.” Or, “Well I’m this and you’re that, so we can’t be friends.” So often we use the labels as limitations rather than a means for liberation. Labels should tell you where you need to grow and what ...