Where Two or More are Gathered

By CBM National intern, Stephanie Schwan


Hello friends, family, supporters, and online strangers! It’s my first blog post as a CBM intern! Hip, hip, huzzah! I can’t believe that as I write this we’ve been in the internship two and a half months already. The other interns and I have been busy taking Bible classes (we’ve had Ethics, Apologetics, and Evangelism so far; a survey of the Old Testament is coming up next), cleaning cabins (Groupon season is upon us, which means lots and lots of guests), helping out with a local church’s youth ministry, traveling to and helping at other CBM camps, assisting with events here at the Tuckaleechee Retreat Center (the CBM ladies retreat was a blast!), reading theology books, writing papers, raising support, working on projects, and tons more. We’ve also had fun and unwound with occasional game nights, intern outings, and lots of laughs together.
In the midst of all the running around and doing various tasks, the spiritual theme that I’ve noticed emerging for me so far has been the sweetness of fellowship we have with other believers and seeing God working in their lives, their families, and ministries everywhere we go. As different as our circumstances, experiences, personalities, and work are, we are united by our love for Christ and His love for us. We’ve had the chance to visit CBM’s Camp Victory in southern Alabama to take part in their missions retreat, Dayspring Church in Augusta, Georgia for their Global Impact Celebration, and most recently, CBM’s Camp Grace in North Carolina for their mother-daughter retreat.
At Victory I was able to meet lots of national and international missionaries and hear about their work at home and overseas. Each of them was seeking to serve God, minister to people, and spread the gospel in their own way in their different locations, using the gifts and resources God has given them for the people they are uniquely positioned to reach. Some run children’s homes in the developing world; others seek to evangelize the Middle East; some plant churches where there are none; others train pastors and leaders to reach their communities in their own language; some provide medical care to the underserved internationally; still others recruit and train new missionaries for camp ministries in the states through internship programs (hmm, that one sounds strangely familiar). At Dayspring in Augusta, we were able to spend time with even more missionaries to the U.S. and other nations and to hear about how God has worked in and provided for them. We were also able to spend time with the leaders of various ministries at the church and pray with them about their burden for the people of Augusta. Families from the church graciously hosted us in their homes (shout out to the Gravens! Y’all are awesome!) and connect with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
At Camp Grace in North Carolina, we assisted with their mother-daughter retreat and were able to spend time with many of the wonderful “Gracians” as we worked in the kitchen and ran workshops for the mothers and daughters. We were able to join in ministering to many Lumbee families (the local Native American tribe), pray with the staff for the expansion of their ministry, and build some wonderful friendships with our sisters in Christ.
All through this, God has been bringing me into contact with people who are passionate about our great Savior and reaching people for Him. I’ve met people ministering in ways I never even knew existed, at every age and stage, all working toward the same goal — spreading the gospel far and wide that His kingdom may grow. No matter how differently we serve, we all serve the same God. I can’t wait to see who God has for me to meet next!

If you are interested in being a part of the Team,

Contact the Intern Coordinator at jacqueatcbm@gmail.com
or APPLY NOW: https://childrensbibleministries.net/internship-application

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