66 results for tag: CBM National Intern

For the Sake of the Gospel

By CBM National intern, Timmy Martens - As a CBM National intern, one of my responsibilities during my rotation at Camp Victory is to assist with Released Time (a ministry where we teach the Bible to school children during school hours: https://childrensbibleministries.net/camps/classes), which is something that I haven’t participated in actively since my senior year in high school. Thankful to have been given the opportunity to serve in Released Time once again, I read over my lesson and gave adequate preparation time in case I was asked to teach. Holding the four-page lesson in my hand began this weird “trip down memory lane” ...

Four Things to Remember

By CBM National interns, Scott and Jerri Carpenter We have spent our first CBM National Internship rotation at Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go doing released time with a very wonderful teacher! She gives the kids four things to remember: Bible, friends, lessons, and verses. Obviously, this is a way to encourage the kids to invite others to hear God’s word and to get them to understand it better themselves. We think this is something that every person should remember also, whether you are four or sixty-four.   BIBLE: We need to be in our Bible every single day so we can become more knowledgeable of God, as well as prepared to love the world. ...

7.4 Billion Reasons Why You Should Do Missions and the One Reason Why You Aren’t

By CBM National intern, Paul Daly Since the beginning of the New Year, I have been working in Raleigh, NC helping out in New Life Camp’s outreach ministry to Cedar Point, an apartment complex that houses refugees. They have a program there called Homework Help. Most of my work here in January and February will be with that program, helping refugee children with their homework, which is a real need in that community since many of the kids there are thrust into school based on their age and not their education. I remember noticing, the first time I walked through the apartment complex, that it wasn’t really anything special or different; ...

Lean Not on Your Own Understanding

By CBM National intern; Paul Daly I am a habitual thinker. Most people don’t notice this, but I can and will spend hours alone pacing the floor, listening to music, and just thinking—about a plethora of things. The reason: I love gaining understanding. During the summer of 2015, when I was serving as a junior counselor at Camp Grace for the third summer, God showed me that the next step for me was to apply to be an intern with Children’s Bible Ministries. I did not understand that at all. Suddenly, my mind was bombarded with an avalanche of questions. Being at the bottom of the mountain, I tried to take time to analyze and give reason ...

Blessed Beyond Measure

By CBM National Intern: Mark Martens With the end of the year coming up, we can sometimes find ourselves reflecting on what has happened in the past year. For me, as our time at CBM Headquarters (at Tuckaleechee Retreat Center in Townsend, TN) is coming to an end, I have found myself thinking about the past few months here and all the blessings that Lord has given me.   Blessed with Opportunities When I was first accepted to CBM’s National internship, I knew that I was going to be busy. I just did not realize how busy it was going to get sometimes. We were given so many different opportunities to do so many things. We got to lead ...