66 results for tag: CBM National Intern

CBM Interns – Jesus Became Like Us

By CBM National interns, David and Elizabeth Price As Christmas approaches this year, I find myself thinking a lot more about Mary, the mother of Jesus. Having just recently given birth to my own baby boy, I have a lot better understanding of what Mary went through. Traveling to Bethlehem at 9 months pregnant must have been agonizingly uncomfortable, and giving birth in a stable rather than the comfort of her own home surely added to the pain and nervousness she was probably already feeling. But mostly, I’ve been thinking about Mary being a first-time mom. Even though Mary had been told very clearly by Gabriel that the child born to her would ...

CBM Interns-How To’s

By CBM National Interns, Scott and Jerri Carpenter The CBM National internship is definitely a blessing from God. We could tell that from our very first day here! The classes alone have already showed us so much. We cannot even begin to imagine what the time we spend at different CBM camps is going to do for us. We have learned new lessons, dove deep into things we already believed to expound even further, and definitely seen how our lives should be shaped by God. We can’t thank Him enough for the experience He has already given us. God has shown us three big “how to’s” for being a Christian since we have started this internship...

CBM Intern – Be Still

By CBM National intern: Sarah Pafford One of my favorite things about serving at different CBM locations is finding new places to have my quiet time with the Lord. It's always a little adventure on my own where I find a quiet, private place to seek solitude. During training at CBM's National Headquarters in Tennessee, I would walk to the top of the mountain. At CBM's Ponderosa Bible Camp in Alabama, I would go to the Bluff where you can see three different states. At CBM's Camp Grace in North Carolina, it was sitting by Lake Blue. I've found such refreshment and joy in making time to be alone with God in these places. The life of an intern ...

CBM Intern – Serve Others for the Glory of God

By CBM National intern, Capree Simons These past two months at CBM’s Camp Victory, God has used a book I was assigned by the Camp Director, as well as the Released Time classes I have helped with, to teach me many valuable lessons including compassion, generosity, and humility. All of these lessons can and should be applied to our daily routines, especially as believers, as we are called to live a life like Christ. As children, we are taught by our parents, our teachers, and our churches that we should always be nice to others and treat them with kindness and respect. As we grow up, it is revealed to us through experience that the things we were ...

Every Day is the Same Good Lesson

By CBM National Intern: Paul Daly Hello! My name is Paul Daly, and as of September 2015, I’ve been a National Intern with Children’s Bible Ministries. So far, I’ve written emails, made phone calls, taught Bible classes, taken Bible classes, gone off zip-lines, worked at my first-ever auction, read lots of assigned books, shared my testimony in front of large groups, worked at camp retreats, folded event programs, learned how to better communicate, cleaned the same three cabins over and over, and had an ample amount of fun times with my fellow interns. In short, I’ve experienced a lot, and I’ve learned even more. Coming into this ...