Every Day is the Same Good Lesson

By CBM National Intern: Paul Daly

Hello! My name is Paul Daly, and as of September 2015, I’ve been a National Intern with Children’s Bible Ministries. So far, I’ve written emails, made phone calls, taught Bible classes, taken Bible classes, gone off zip-lines, worked at my first-ever auction, read lots of assigned books, shared my testimony in front of large groups, worked at camp retreats, folded event programs, learned how to better communicate, cleaned the same three cabins over and over, and had an ample amount of fun times with my fellow interns. In short, I’ve experienced a lot, and I’ve learned even more.


Coming into this program fresh out of high school and only just before arriving here having become an adult (my 18th birthday was just before I started the internship), I’ve learned a lot of other good lessons, such as buying all my own groceries and doing my own laundry before I run out of clothes.

But, the best lesson I’ve learned, and it’s something I continue to learn every single day, is that God is good. He’s a good God because He paints the sky every morning and evening into a brand new work of art that I can snap a photo of. He’s a good God because whenever I feel helpless, He helps me be helpful. He’s a good God because even when I want to throw in the towel (literally), He is the motivation that keeps me scrubbing away at the sink while cleaning.

I know that I will never stop learning of God’s goodness, and that excites me! Because even when I have sinful attitudes or seemingly crippling circumstances, God is always there to hold me up and lead me in His righteousness. He loves me unconditionally, even when I fail to love Him back. I desperately need that love, and He freely offers it.

I am in a good place right now because God has purposely set me here. I have peace that God will do amazing things. Even though I don’t know how my future’s going to look, I am not afraid or discouraged, because God has taught me every day that He is good, He has good plans for me, and He works everything out for my good.


Open your eyes to God’s excellent goodness. Regardless of whether you see the glass as half full or half empty and regardless of whether your days are bright or dark, teach yourself to learn of God’s goodness every day. I challenge you to ask yourself, “How has God been good to me today?”

It’s the same lesson every day, but it’s the best lesson you can learn!

In Christ,

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