CBM Intern – Be Still
By CBM National intern: Sarah Pafford
One of my favorite things about serving at different CBM locations is
finding new places to have my quiet time with the Lord. It’s always a little
adventure on my own where I find a quiet, private place to seek solitude.
During training at CBM’s National Headquarters in Tennessee, I would walk to
the top of the mountain. At CBM’s Ponderosa Bible Camp in Alabama, I would
go to the Bluff where you can see three different states. At CBM’s Camp
Grace in North Carolina, it was sitting by Lake Blue. I’ve found such
refreshment and joy in making time to be alone with God in these places. The
life of an intern involves moving from place to place and constantly meeting
so many people, which has definitely been my favorite part of the year, but
can also be exhausting. It is for this reason that I make such an effort to
seek intentional times of solitude with my Creator.
I am currently on my final rotation in at CBM’s Cornerstone Ministry Center
in southwest Pennsylvania, where I’ve found a beautiful spot by the river.
As I was sitting there recently, I started to reflect on how I felt in this
place and began writing it out. I wanted to share how important these
moments are to me and I hope you can relate.
The River
The river is where I go when I am drained.
When my everything is spent beyond what I can bear,
It is where I run to be alone.
It is here where I find solitude from everyone and everything.
There is something about being here where all you hear is the rippling water
and the sound of the rushing wind as it moves the fallen leaves.
The river is where I go when I feel broken, that I have nothing else to
It is here I search for peace; it’s here I beg God not to forsake me.
Although I am sometimes overwhelmed from being surrounded by people, I still
do not desire to feel that I am alone. I want to feel His presence.
I come here when I find myself not wanting to be touched by anyone in this
world, but I long to be held in my Father’s arms.
I go here to find silence, to muffle the many voices of this chaotic world
and seek that still, small voice that comes in the gentle, whispering
That voice that tells me I’m not alone, the voice of my Savior that so
gently comforts me in a way no human ever could.
It’s at the river I find rest, solitude, comfort, peace,
Though they may not always be the answers I desire, they are still something
to cling to.
They are promises. Promises that He’s called me by name and I am His.
Promises that I am His child, His heir.
Promises that He will never leave or forsake me.
Promises that He is in full control and that He is sovereign with His
almighty power.
Promises that I am loved by Him, that He shares in my sufferings: great or
This serves as a reflection of the greatest promise He has given us: that
one day we will sit by a river too beautiful for words, next to our King in
communion together forever.
Here we will go, unbroken by the cares of this world, untouched by
corruption. At that river we will find true peace and an overflowing joy.
It’s at the river where I feel that I am home, because where I find Him is
where I find home.
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