26 results for tag: CBM National internship program

CBM Intern – Two Things That Everyone Has to Deal With

By CBM National intern, Joe Kirkland -  There are two things that are sure in life—death and taxes. Taxes are easy to explain, biblically. Tithes in the Old Testament acted as a tax to take care of those who had no means to live. Taxes were used by every other empire, requiring everyone to give a percentage of their overall profit or harvest. Those taxes were used to build empires, armies, and political campaigns. It’s kind of the way the people are supposed to give back to the government that they live under. Death is the trickier of the two to talk about. There are three things to say about your life: how you lived in the past, how ...

CBM Intern – Let God Lead

By CBM National intern, Jake Taylor - As the end of my rotation at Camp Grace is around the corner, I find myself reflecting on my previous experiences. I realized that I had been looking at my past in the wrong light. When I worked at my former job I felt used and abused so I lashed out in anger at my boss, at my coworkers, even at the metal shelf I bumped my head on. I was so angry with my circumstances that I never thought about what I was learning. However, because of that job, I gained so many useful skills such as customer service and feeling comfortable with whatever vehicle I am driving.   When I took this internship I ...

CBM Intern – God-given Opportunities

By CBM National intern, Joe Kirkland - How much would you be willing to spend to be able to talk to someone about God? I had an opportunity like that once. All I had to do was give someone some gas, or even pump it for them while talking about God, but I did not. I had a good 5 minutes of being able to talk to them about their father in the hospital and where he might go when he dies, but I never got to fully explain the gospel to them before they left. I regret not using that God-given opportunity to the fullest, but I know God will use it to His glory somehow. God gives us opportunities like that sometimes, ones that we don’t use to the ...

CBM Intern – Relying on God

By CBM National intern, Priscilla Depew -  Hello everyone! For my first rotation as a CBM National Intern, I am at Camp Victory in Samson, Alabama. When I found out that I was coming here, I was kind of worried. I'm from a big family, and I had never lived on my own. Even when I was at CBM head quarters, I had roommates. Once I came down to south Alabama, I knew I would be super far away from my friends and family, and that terrified me.   I didn't know what to expect or what I would be doing when I reached Camp Victory. I am a very people-oriented person, so living alone did not sit well with me. I really struggled when I first ...

CBM Intern – You are Where He Wants You to Be

By CBM National intern, Jake Taylor -  Since beginning my first rotation at Camp Grace in North Carolina as a CBM National intern, I have done things I expected and didn't expect to do. I found I really enjoyed each of them. Now if you haven't met me, my personality is very “on the go,” get the job done as quickly, and as perfectly as possible. The little things tend to stick out to me; if I see a problem, I have to take care of it. So getting put in a situation where I have to slow down and be the arms and legs for someone else is challenging. I thank God for sending me to Grace. I have to learn to be more patient;  waiting and ...