Christian Internship – Campers, My Favorite Part of Camp
By CBM National intern, Joseph Kirkland -
Some kids are clean, some are messy; some are the most well behaved children you’ve ever seen, and then there are those that are not. They come in all sorts of sizes, backgrounds, ideologies and experiences. They are people and want to feel that way. And every once in a while they come to camp. They come for various reasons--their parents or relatives made them come, they memorized Bible verses and attended classes to earn their way to camp, or they are just coming for the first time and have no idea what ...
CBM Intern – Two Things That Everyone Has to Deal With
By CBM National intern, Joe Kirkland -
There are two things that are sure in life—death and taxes. Taxes are easy to explain, biblically. Tithes in the Old Testament acted as a tax to take care of those who had no means to live. Taxes were used by every other empire, requiring everyone to give a percentage of their overall profit or harvest. Those taxes were used to build empires, armies, and political campaigns. It’s kind of the way the people are supposed to give back to the government that they live under.
Death is the trickier of the two to talk about. ...
CBM Intern – God-given Opportunities
By CBM National intern, Joe Kirkland -
How much would you be willing to spend to be able to talk to someone about God? I had an opportunity like that once. All I had to do was give someone some gas, or even pump it for them while talking about God, but I did not. I had a good 5 minutes of being able to talk to them about their father in the hospital and where he might go when he dies, but I never got to fully explain the gospel to them before they left. I regret not using that God-given opportunity to the fullest, but I know God will use it to His glory somehow.
CBM Intern – Important things
By CBM National intern, Joseph Kirkland -
Traveling is probably one of the best ways to learn about the world and the people in it. You get to learn how others think, how others learn, and how big the world really is. The earth is 24,901 miles around at its widest point, and it would take around 33 hours to get around it at the speed of sound. If you were to walk 5 miles every day, you would walk around the world in 4,960 days, given that you could walk on water. The cost to travel around the world would be around $2,800, and would take around 6 days if flying by ...