CBM Intern – One Goal

By CBM National intern,  Andrew Willis -  After returning from Moldova, I found out that I was bound for Camp Grace in NC for my second rotation. I was there for two weeks helping John Martens, who is now a good friend of mine, work maintenance. After the two weeks, we headed for CBM’s National Conference in Pennsylvania, where the National Interns got to run the kids’ programs for the CBM Full-Time Missionaries. It was a lot of fun and I got to meet most of the CBM missionaries from all of the different camps. It felt like one big family reunion and everyone ...

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CBM National Intern -Delight in Me

By CBM National intern, Jordan Mancari -  Over the past couple of weeks, I have been in Samson, AL at Camp Victory, on my second rotation as a CBM National Intern. During my time here, I have been helping with various different things, with one of those being Released Time. Released Time is one of CBM's programs where students are released from school once a month for 30-40 minutes and CBM missionaries or volunteers teach them a Bible story. With this, I've been fortunate to be placed in what I would call my comfort zone: teaching. Teaching is something I ...

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8 Things That Happen When You Become a CBM National Intern

By CBM National intern, Stephanie Schwan -  1. You'll live on the move. Maybe college, working at camps over the summer, and general adulting have made you an old pro at this, or maybe you've never been away from home in your life. You'll live at CBM National HQ for four months, a camp for 3 months during the summer, and two other camps for two months each. Plus, you will go on an awesome overseas mission trip! All this moving around means you'll get really good at packing, unpacking, long road trips, and making it all fit in the car. (Unless you're me, in ...

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CBM National intern – Listen and Obey

By CBM National intern, Jordan Mancari -  My summer rotation as a CBM National Intern was at CBM’s Camp Grace in Fairmont, NC, where I served as their media guy. When I first heard this would be my summer role, I kind of laughed and said, “Ok God, you took me out of college where I was doing digital media to come into ministry, and now you have me doing media again.” Of course, I asked Him why. Why are You asking me to do something again that I dislike doing?  To me it just did not make any sense. The more I prayed, the more God kept  showing me ...

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CBM National Intern – Finding the Balance

By CBM National intern, Matt Presley - Finding the Balance For years I tipped the scales of my life in favor of feeding the flesh. Then for almost 2 years I was placed in a position where everything was  designed to feed the spirit. But when this time came to an end, I realized I was on the path of who I was meant to be as a child of God. My new phase of life doesn’t have as much stability and accountability, and I've wondered why God would put me in a position that lacked this.Why would an all-knowing God put me in a position to fail? But when you ...

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