CBM Intern – Relying on God

By CBM National intern, Priscilla Depew -  Hello everyone! For my first rotation as a CBM National Intern, I am at Camp Victory in Samson, Alabama. When I found out that I was coming here, I was kind of worried. I'm from a big family, and I had never lived on my own. Even when I was at CBM head quarters, I had roommates. Once I came down to south Alabama, I knew I would be super far away from my friends and family, and that terrified me.   I didn't know what to expect or what I would be doing when I reached Camp Victory. I am a very people-oriented ...

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CBM Intern – Why Me?

By CBM National intern, Jamie Carpenter -  As I complete my first month at Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go as a CBM National Intern, I look back on these past five months and I realize it has been an amazing ride. I have learned so much during my time here and I have also dealt with many different things. I knew I loved camp ministry, but it has been incredible to be involved in the every day work. Watauga, TN is a very small town and it does not contain much. It is a road and that’s it. (I’m exaggerating a little, but not really.) It is very cold here, VERY cold. I have ...

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CBM Intern – You are Where He Wants You to Be

By CBM National intern, Jake Taylor -  Since beginning my first rotation at Camp Grace in North Carolina as a CBM National intern, I have done things I expected and didn't expect to do. I found I really enjoyed each of them. Now if you haven't met me, my personality is very “on the go,” get the job done as quickly, and as perfectly as possible. The little things tend to stick out to me; if I see a problem, I have to take care of it. So getting put in a situation where I have to slow down and be the arms and legs for someone else is challenging. I thank God ...

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CBM Intern – 3 Ways to Stay Focused on Christ

By CBM National intern,  Priscilla Depew - Hello everyone! My name is Priscilla Depew. I started the CBM National Internship back in September, and one of the things I've had to learn while being here has been focus. Normally, my focus jumps from object to object, never staying in one place. Before I started the internship, I would zone out during conversations, because I would get distracted. I still do sometimes, but it's gotten better. The reason it's gotten better is because I've prayed about it and figured out three ways to stay focused on Christ. 1. ...

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CBM Intern – Important things

By CBM National intern, Joseph Kirkland - Traveling is probably one of the best ways to learn about the world and the people in it. You get to learn how others think, how others learn, and how big the world really is. The earth is 24,901 miles around at its widest point, and it would take around 33 hours to get around it at the speed of sound. If you were to walk 5 miles every day, you would walk around the world in 4,960 days, given that you could walk on water. The cost to travel around the world would be around $2,800, and would take around 6 days if flying by ...

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