My Whole Heart

By Kira Frank, CBM National Intern - In the past few weeks I have had the opportunity to serve at Camp Victory in Southern Alabama. It is a great place. Before I even arrived, I had a prayer for my time here. I prayed that I would learn what it looked like to love God wholeheartedly. A prayer that I was afraid of, in a way, but one I knew would be vital to knowing God’s will and direction in my life. I was reading in Isaiah 6 about Isaiah’s vision of God and I was able to sort of get a glimpse of God’s glory, well, His holiness. I began to think about the ...

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Life of Zannino

By Josiah Zannino, CBM National InternLife of Zannino - Well, what I have been doing for the two past months, here at Camp Ozone in Rockwood, Tennessee is working on projects with Jeff and the volunteers that come in. Jeff is the main maintenance guy at camp. I've been working with him here at camp. What I like about it is that, when we would take breaks, Jeff would talk about God, then open up his phone and go into the word of God, which I thought was really cool. I guess you could say that what God has been showing me is what to do with my life. I’ve thought ...

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Being Still

By Kalaya Beyer, CBM National Intern - Where do I even begin? Being on rotation at Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go is honestly what I needed. Someone asked me, the morning I was scheduled to travel here, if I was anxious about coming here. I wasn't, until I drove off. I was very unsure of myself when Rebecca and Rhiannon, my fellow interns, dropped me off. The camp is very quiet, compared to New Life Camp where I went on my first rotation, and quiet makes me uneasy. I have always thrived on noise and grew up with noisy brothers and dogs and basketball games being played on TV late at ...

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By Rebecca Colson, CBM National Intern -  “Enough.” I recently noticed I’ve been hearing that word pretty often. In a conversation, a line in a song, a movie scene. But most often I hear it in my own head. In my head the words “I’m not” are likely to be found shortly before the word “enough.” “I’m not smart enough.” “I’m not spiritual enough.” “I’m not good enough.” Years ago I visited a museum with my family. I noticed a small drawing hanging in the ...

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Wild Willie’s Adventures

By William Martin, CBM National Intern - My name is William Martin and I am an intern with Children’s Bible Ministries. My time here at Children’s Bible Ministries (CBM) National Headquarters has been great so far. I have made a lot of new friends and have grown in my relationship with the Lord. The first few weeks were a little rough, at times, but I really think I am starting to settle in.   We have had quite a few classes so far that have been really helpful. One of the first classes we had was on how to be a good Christian leader. This was a great ...

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