
By Adam Lowry, CBM National Intern - It’s hard sometimes to wait, especially when others are getting something before you.  As an intern, I am raising support for a mission trip and I have only raised a small portion of the dollars needed for my support account.  Some of the other interns have already collected at least 50% of their support, and I feel left behind. Me, as a person, I want to be the person ahead of everyone; I want to be the one who has it all together.  During all this waiting, who are some people in the Bible who had trouble with patience and what ...

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Working for the Weekends

By Rebecca Colson, CBM National Intern - My four months at the CBM headquarters are complete and I’m now already halfway through my first rotation at a CBM camp. For my first rotation I’ve been given the amazing opportunity to serve at New Life Camp in Raleigh, North Carolina. While I live on camp property and serve at monthly camp events, the majority of my time is spent a few minutes down the road serving with Cedar Point Community Outreach. Cedar Point is an apartment complex that primarily houses refugees. Every week I get the privilege to serve alongside ...

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I Stand Amazed

By Emileah Hawkins, CBM National Intern - I was raised in church. I knew a lot of Bible stories and I could answer the questions they asked in Sunday school. I said a prayer to ask God to save me when I was eight years old. But I did it because I thought that was what was expected of me. I saw all the other kids my age at church doing that, so I did too. I knew about God, but I did not know God. I knew the Bible said that God loves me, but I never really felt His love. I knew the Bible said God has the best plan for me, but I kept living my life doing what I wanted. I ...

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Half-Time at CBM

By Ryan Everritt, CBM National Intern - Hello, my name is Ryan Everritt. I am from Chancellor, Alabama and I am an intern with Children's Bible Ministries (CBM) National Internship Program. I am a student, in training for the mission field for Christ. I learned about Children's Bible Ministries through friends of the family. They mentioned it to me twice, because I had forgotten about it the first time. Once I put my application in, and got accepted shortly after, I and my three new friends and fellow interns, William Martin, Adam Lowry and Emileah Hawkins, began our ...

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Feeling at Home

By Josiah Zannino, CBM National Intern - Hi, I am Josiah and I’m an intern with Children’s Bible Ministries (CBM). I have been in Samson, AL serving at Camp Victory. While I was serving at Camp Victory, I got to work with Paul, who is the maintenance supervisor, as well as Chad, the groundskeeper, and Daniel, another missionary. We worked fixing faucets and showers; we did electrical work; made trails in the woods; and picked up pinecones. They made work interesting and they made me feel at home. They talked to me. The way they talked to me gave me a good ...

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