Mightier Than the Waves – CBM

By Rhiannon Grace, CBM National Intern -  Hello!  This is Rhiannon.  I just wanted to say that God has really blessed me, in that I had a chance to go to the beach this past month.  Anyone who knows me knows that I love the beach and everything about it. It does not matter what type of beach, either, because I love the way the waves crash against the rocks at one with cliffs; and the pebble beaches where you find little stones that have been rubbed together by the movement of the water; and ones with big waves you can surf on. As I was saying, though, I got ...

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He is Always Faithful

By Kira Frank, CBM National Intern - While here at Camp Gilead, God has taught me so much. He is definitely working at this camp. One thing that He has reminded me of is His great faithfulness. Through scripture and the lives of others He has revealed this truth continually. Even in the hardest circumstances, He is still faithful. I’m so thankful for this because I can look ahead into the unknown of my future and know, no matter what awaits me, I am sure that He will always be faithful. What a blessing. This led me to think: Why is He faithful to us, continua...

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The Comforter

By Matthew Mashburn, CBM National Intern - There’s this phrase I’ve been seeing in the book of Ephesians, which teaches, “Don’t give an opportunity to the devil.” When I first read it, I instantly and wholeheartedly agreed. Why would I ever want to give evil an opportunity in my life? I certainly do not want to do that. There weren’t any conflicts in my heart about this phrase. I’m constantly finding new ways to apply it and, one day, I’m sure I’ll use it to counsel someone else. But reading this phrase sparked something else in me — a question ...

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CBM Intern – A Newbie at New Life Camp

By Kalaya Beyer, CBM National Intern - Before I left CBM National Headquarters in Townsend, TN, I was happily informed that the first camp that I’d be working at would be here at New Life Camp in Raleigh, North Carolina! And I would be going with fellow intern Rebecca. I got here a little late due to flight difficulties, but I got here! I basically shadow the executive director, Trisha. I follow her around and learn about how the camp runs. And I ask everyone on staff, who are oh, so patient, a billion questions about everything, because I came here to learn all ...

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CBM Intern – Grounded in the Word

Vlog post by Josh Hopper, CBM National Intern - A few final thoughts on my last rotation and graduation.  God has used rotations at Camp Victory, Camp Ponderosa, and Camp Red Arrow to teach me to be faithful in my personal walk with the Lord and the importance of staying grounded in His Word.  I've met a lot of great people and grown tremendously.  I can't wait to see where God leads me next and thank you for praying for me on my journey.

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