140 results for author: Author

He Provided All My Needs

By Sarah Hardison Five months ago I had $23.00 to my name. I had used everything except travel money to make it up to CBM National Headquarters, in Townsend, TN. The only thing I knew was the Lord had called me to this internship and I had to trust He would provide. There have been many occasions where God has provided for me since starting this internship. One sticks out among the rest. On February 21, 2019, I had been earnestly praying and seeking the Lord for people to financially support me each month. I was feeling discouraged and began to worry about if I was going to have enough money to make it to next month. I asked the Lord to ...

Initiative: Stepping Up to Step In

By Chelsea Mills Let’s first answer the question: “What is initiative?” I looked up the definition and it said that initiative is the ability to assess and initiate things independently. Another definition was the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do. WHAT! ME? TAKE CHARGE?!? Psshhh!!! Like that will ever happen. Right? WRONG!! Let me tell you something about me: I am a very shy and quiet person. I do not like to lead or take charge because I think I am going to mess something up. I do not like to talk in large groups or talk on the phone. It stresses me out like crazy. But after joining the CBM (Children’s Bible ...

The Importance of Short-Term Mission Trips

By Laura Edgar In recent years there has been a lot of discussion over whether short-term mission teams are helpful or not. While everyone’s experience may be different, ours has been that short-term teams have a positive, lasting impact.  “When teams have the proper focus, they can be an invaluable part of the ministry.” There is a sharp contrast in teams that hurt and teams that help. Teams that are not helpful typically have a ‘savior’ mentality vs. a service mentality, are focused on what they are there to DO vs. what they can LEARN, and are focused on immediate vs. long-term results. When teams have the proper focus, ...

Giving God Everything

By Wesley Grizzard What does it really mean to give God everything? This is one I’ve always struggled with. Honestly, I think we can all say that we struggle with this one. Some things in our lives are easy to give to God, other things…not so much. For me, it took me understanding that it’s not about me and I’m not in control, that God is sovereign, that He has already laid out my future, and that worrying about it never got anyone anything except a receding hairline!  We are human, which means we’re flawed. We make a lot of mistakes and we do a lot of selfish things. We want what we want and we want it now! We even pray ...

Media: A Tool for Proclamation

Written by Billy Long If you've ever asked yourself what it looks like to be the "Media Guy" at a summer camp, I can give you an idea: it's just a little crazy! We, as media guys, wear many hats, both during camp and in the off-season during the school year. We're out in the heat of the day snapping photos and taking videos of every activity; a job where everyone at camp sees you and everyone back home doesn't, since we're the ones behind the camera. We also do a ton behind the scenes! Editing photos and videos, running the slides for chapel and sound for worship, and helping whoever needs it with their electronic needs. We also do other jobs ...