140 results for author: Author

A Life Changing Understanding of Support Raising

by Jordan Smith When I first realized that God was calling me on a journey to minister overseas, my first thought was, “Oh, no, I’m going to have to raise financial support.”  At that moment I had some very mixed feelings.  Let’s just say I wasn’t the most excited about it.  I saw my ministry overseas as the goal and support raising as the obstacle to trudge through in order to do the ministry I really felt called to do overseas.  Today, however, after living on financial support for about 4 years, I think about it much differently.  There were a few key things that God used in my life to change my mind about ...


Work is over and you’re headed home, but first there are special errands to run. When your done and get home, you marvel once again at the all-too-common coldness of our fellow humans. Doesn’t anyone smile anymore? Doesn’t anyone apologize for making a person wait or for giving bad service? The boss of a moving company has a philosophy we wish every person who serves us would emulate. Knowing what a traumatic experience moving can be, packing up and starting a new life in a new place, he takes a point of letting his clients know he understands and care about what they’re going through. In the process, he has found it is just as ...


Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews  11:1 Trees have specific seasons for dormancy- a time when the tree appears to be inactive and not growing.  This season of rest comes immediately prior to a season of rapid and accelerated growth. During dormancy, the cells and tissues within the tree are being repaired and built up. This activity is invisible to the eye. The tree is quietly preparing for the spring. Dormancy is one of the most important periods in the life cycle of the tree. It is how a tree becomes fit for the later demands of adding new wood to its structure and bearing its ...

His Hands and Feet: Guatemala Mission Trip Update

Jacquelyn Davis, National Intern Coordinator This year our team had the great opportunity to serve in Jalapa, Guatemala with Little Lambs International. While we were there we got to go into the villages and pray with families, share our testimonies at a local church, love on the orphans at Little Lambs and run a 3-day VBS for the those in the area.  The theme I saw this year was God’s great love and grace; that our God would allow us to be His hands and His feet is simply beautiful and overwhelming. This team was so diverse in so many ways and yet, together, we were and are the body of Christ. He is our great unifier! Despite all ...

4 Things I Learned at Released Time

By Katlyn Carney 1. I love teaching children.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve always loved teaching. I used to play school with my younger sister, complete with homemade lessons and tests, grades, stickers for her successes and, of course, going to the treasure box! As I got older, I was able to help out and teach in Children’s Church. I worked with ages from the babies in the nursery all the way to fifth grade. I’m not sure what my favorite ages would be, but my favorite attributes of children are their energy, vulnerability, and sense of humor. I also like that they are very honest because, if we are being honest with ...