50 results for tag: cbm internship program

CBM Intern – All the Right Pieces

By CBM National intern, -  Jordan Mancari If you were to meet me today, you'd probably say some things like this: "He's a nice guy. He is very open to meeting new people, and willing to step out." However, it wasn't always like that. When I was in high school, and even somewhat in college, I was that kid who sat in the back row, and could honestly care less about what anyone thought about me. I was what you would call a "shy guy." If you weren't going to take the time to get to know me, then I definitely wasn't going to waste my time getting to know you. Thankfully, all this changed after my first year of college. It was during that ...

Big Faith

By CBM National intern, Timmy Martens -  I was eating with a Board member who so graciously took another intern and me out to explore the region around the Ohiopyle State Park. In between bites of our salads, we exchanged stories of how God had worked in our lives and the life of CBM’s Cornerstone Ministry Center, the ministry at which I have been stationed for the pre-summer rotation as a CBM National Intern. In our discussion, somehow the topic of faith was brought up. “It really depends on how big your God is.” That was the sentence that got the gears in my head turning. I had heard the phrase before, but putting it into the ...

5 things I’m praising God for in the CBM National Internship

By CBM National intern, - Stephanie Schwan The people Everyone I have met through the internship has had some word of wisdom, encouragement, or instruction for me. From my roommate to my bosses to my fellow interns, to volunteers, church members, guests, CBM veterans, missionaries, and pastors -- everyone God has brought across my path during the last few months has helped me grow. God's provision All along the way God has provided all I have needed.  He's brought me financial partners, people to pray for me, a place to stay, leftovers in abundance (I really love leftovers, like really. But that's a whole different blog post.), ...

Teamwork -Two are Better than One, Three are even Better

By CBM National intern, -  Mark Martens John Donne states in one of his poems, “No man is an island, Entire of itself, Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main.”   If there is one thing this rotation has reminded me of, it’s the importance of teamwork. Now don’t get me wrong, I have known about teamwork for a while, but God has made its importance rather evident to me recently. In the past, there have been times I have tried to do things on my own, but every time I have done this, it usually has not ended well for me. While on my rotation at Camp Grace as a CBM National Intern, I was given the ...

Taking Ownership of your Gift

By CBM National intern, Matt Presley -    So much has happened here in the CBM National Internship since my last blog, leaving me so much I could talk about, from the classes we've taken, books we've read, and projects we’ve accomplished, to the youth group lessons and activities, volunteer work weeks, mission conferences, and camp visits. But what I'm led to talk about is "Ownership." That is, ownership of the life that God has given me. And, it's not until one takes ownership of that life that he can truly live it, take responsibility for it, and grow in it. I arrived at CBM National Headquarters having been given a new life and ...