CBM National Intern – Cleaning Out
By CBM National intern, Stephanie Schwan -
It's blog time again! I've been blessed to be working at Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go in Tennessee for my final rotation as a CBM National Intern! The staff here is awesome and great to work with. This is the time of year when the weather is turning cold and the leaves are falling. Summer has passed, most of the rental groups have gone home, and Skoolzoutt and Released Time Bible Classes are in full swing. This is the time of year for sorting out, paring down, and figuring out what we really need and what we don't.
We've been ...
CBM Intern – Why I Do What I Do
CBM National intern, Timmy Martens -
This is what my typical day looks like as a CBM National Intern on rotation at Ponderosa Bible Camp:
I usually wake up pretty early, and me being a night owl does not make this easy! Regardless, I force myself to my feet sometime before6:50am and try to beat the TEAM (Teens Excited About Ministry) members to the dining hall. If you don't know, TEAM members play a huge part in Ponderosa Bible Camp's Ministry.
They do all the grunt work, like kitchen cleaning, dishwashing, and maintaining the grounds. This summer, ...
CBM Full-time Ministry – Full Abandon
By CBM National Intern, Sarah Pafford
This is for all my fellow brothers and sister that are considering full time ministry. Let’s be honest, it is probably the most spiritually rewarding thing you can do with your life, but it comes at a great price and is exhausting. You pour yourself out on a continual basis so you may serve the Lord to the fullest of your capacity. Of course, our Heavenly Father deserves our all. It’s the least we can give, and it’s so completely worth any sacrifice we may have to make to follow Him. Just look at the disciples, especially ...
God is good
By CBM National Intern, Tori Ford
God is good.
He knows my heart. He hears my prayers, my questions, thoughts, and worries. He provides just what is needed at just the right time. He gives His peace and replaces my doubts with the truth of who He is.
God is good.
Throughout this internship, God has been consistently working in me and in my life and I praise Him for it. I can look back at the last 8 ½ months and see several different circumstances where I know with certainty that God was with me in that moment and teaching me little bits of His ...
CBM Interns – Adventures at Amy’s
By CBM National Intern, Ada
Hello friends and blog readers!
We are having a rainy week in southern Alabama at Camp Victory (https://www.campvictoryal.org/) where I am interning for two months. We are right in the middle of spring cleaning every nook and cranny to be ready for summer camp, which is just seven weeks away!! It's been awesome to see everyone pitch in and help get the cleaning done. It is an overwhelming task, but with all the staff and some kind volunteers, we are getting it done!
Amy cleaning the dishwasher.
I'd like ...