God is good
By CBM National Intern, Tori Ford
God is good.
He knows my heart. He hears my prayers, my questions, thoughts, and worries. He provides just what is needed at just the right time. He gives His peace and replaces my doubts with the truth of who He is.
Throughout this internship, God has been consistently working in me and in my life and I praise Him for it. I can look back at the last 8 ½ months and see several different circumstances where I know with certainty that God was with me in that moment and teaching me little bits of His character in a new and refreshing way.
He is attentive. I don’t always ask for things, like new or strengthened friendships or for encouragement or family moments. But He gives them. I have made several new friends and some of these friendships are very strong. Even a couple of my Florida friendships and family relationships have been made stronger since I’ve been away. The Lord has even provided people who have welcomed me into their homes and their lives as if I were part of their own family. This is especially important to me because with all of the traveling, it can be hard to allow myself to get close and comfortable with new people that I will only be around temporarily. But God has introduced me to several wonderful people and families who have opened their hearts and homes to me, who check up on me, let me stay with them, treat me to dinner, buy gas for my car, invite me to go on day adventures… I didn’t know it but God knew that I needed people who I could consider family to be close by and He gave generously.
He is the Provider. He gives so much, and He wants to give even more. All He wants is for us to ask for His Spirit – for His joy, peace, gentleness, and faithfulness. I have experienced God’s provision before, but never have I allowed myself to be so dependent upon Him to really know just how much He is the one giving, supporting, and providing for all of my needs. I’ve never been one to fundraise or to ask for donations – especially for myself. But He provided just the opportunity for me to have to fundraise forCBM’s August 2015 mission trip to Honduras, which of course is when I do not have a job with an income and am not at home surrounded by my home church. But He provided in a way that only He could do and my trip is fully funded. 🙂
He likes to challenge. As my relationship with God continues to grow, He is constantly challenging me in different ways. He is challenging me in my dependency upon Him. He is challenging me to ask of Him. He is challenging me to follow His lead. He is challenging me to see how He sees. He is challenging me to serve Him daily, even in the little things. He is challenging me to remain faithful to Him and faithful in my friendships. He is challenging me encourage others with gentleness and praise. He is challenging me to choose joy over apathy and boldness over fear…challenges are good. 🙂
I am so thankful for what God is doing in and through this internship. I love what I’m learning about Him and the many different ways His truth can be proclaimed – basketball practices, nature trails, zip-lining, horseback riding, outdoor education, sports, exotic animals, tree identification, games, hiking, retreats, tent camping, homeschool classes, mailbox lessons, Released Time, Bible Clubs, volunteering, construction, work projects, visiting churches, meetings, classes, worship, summer camp, and so much more! It is so awesome to know and witness firsthand that the Lord uses each of these and more to bring people closer to Him.
God is good!
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