CBM Interns – Adventures at Amy’s

By CBM National Intern, Ada

Hello friends and blog readers!

We are having a rainy week in southern Alabama at Camp Victory (https://www.campvictoryal.org/) where I am interning for two months.  We are right in the middle of spring cleaning every nook and cranny to be ready for summer camp, which is just seven weeks away!!  It’s been awesome to see everyone pitch in and help get the cleaning done.  It is an overwhelming task, but with all the staff and some kind volunteers, we are getting it done!


image1   Amy cleaning the dishwasher.


I’d like y’all to meet Amy.  She has been on staff here at Camp Victory for 8 years.  She is a very talented woman.  She does everything from cleaning bathrooms to teaching released time.  She is a photographer and tech person for summer camp.  She also does a lot of office stuff, such as correspondence lessons and registrations.

image2    Amy and I enjoying a break from spring cleaning during a rain shower.


Amy has been very kind to let me stay in her guest room for these two months.   It has been quite nice.  But yesterday we had an adventure!  There are woods surrounding Amy’s house.  However, this past month, they have been clearing large sections of it and hauling away the logs, leaving bare ground.  We’ve already had two harmless snakes come to visit us.  Last night was different.  We heard Jake, the dog, barking at something.  Amy went outside to find two copperheads hanging out together right next to the porch steps.  After the shotgun and the shovel did their duty, we had a fun time looking at them.  One was 2 feet long and the other one was closer to 3 feet.

image2_1 Our deceased snake friends.  (Not for the faint at heart!)

Besides cleaning everything in sight at camp and watching Amy kill venomous snakes, I’ve been able to experience so many neat parts of Camp Victory.  Two highlights are teaching Released Time and helping Jan with the CIT program.

Released Time: I was able to go teach with 5 different staff people which gave me a wide variety of teaching styles!  The last time I went was my favorite because I was able to help teach a lot.  Some of the classes were angels, and others were not as much.  But I love the challenge of making it interesting so that even the most disrespectful kid will take interest and listen.

image1_1   Amy and I teaching Released Time in the Camp Victory trailer.


CIT program:  It has been really neat to work with one of Camp Victory’s directors, Jan.  She is in charge of the Campers In Training(CIT) program where high school age students come work at summer camp for several weeks each summer.  This year she has 60 CITs that she will be training and discipling/mentoring throughout the summer.  They have to apply, be interviewed, and send references before being accepted.  I’ve been able to process a lot of their paperwork and Jan tells me stories about how God is working in their lives.  It’s exciting to see how this program is helping young people to grow to become mature, responsible leaders who love God and want to serve others.  I’ve been able to meet some of the CITs, work with them, and see their passion for serving.  Their excitement and energy is contagious.  It’s also been interesting to watch them learn to work together and sort out problems they come across while working at camp.

A couple more weeks at Camp Victory and then I will go to my final rotation next camp for the summer!  Keep all of us interns in your prayers as we head to our new locations.  I’m excited for summer camp and new friends and experiences.  But I will definitely miss Camp Victory!  It is a wonderful place and God is doing great things here through this ministry.

‘Til next time,



But now, O LORD, you are our Father;

we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.

Isaiah 64:8


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