Where is God Working?

He is working in my life personally. Attacks on my character, having no validity, have been directed at me recently. However, my response to these attacks has surprised even me. I have not arrived at the place of "great joy" or "perfection" talked about in James 1:2-4, but my response to this trial has shown me that God has been working in my life. Earlier in my life, my reaction would have been one of anger and self-defense. Instead, I am finding a sincere peace and calmness through my relationship with Jesus. This was confirmed as I was reading in 1 Peter. 1Peter ...

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Children’s Ministry–A Craft Idea the Kids Will Love!

This past weekend was our CBM National Conference. It was a great time to get together with all our CBM areas from around the States. We all enjoyed hearing what each area was doing in their ministries. One of the break-out sessions was about themes. It was interesting to hear all the different ideas that the camps have used in the past. What a remarkable group of people, dedicated to helping children know the Lord.  Their ideas were to engage kids and reinforce the messages. One comment that was shared in the session was “what we may think is mickey mouse to us, ...

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Bible Lessons For Children – Incorporate Current Technology to Keep Lessons Relevant

Yes, at one time felt boards and overhead projectors were all the rage when presenting your Bible lessons for children. But, unless you have a toddler, preschool, or kindergarten class, I recommend you take a look at some other methods. Now, before someone gets upset... if overheads, felt boards and chalkboards are all you have, by all means use them! God can and will bring life to these tools. His word is alive and powerful! Believe me, I worked for years with little to no budget in kids ministry. Work technology in as you can. Use what you have to the fullest. But, as ...

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Why Are Bible Devotions For Kids Important?

Working at different camps over the past few years, I've seen some interesting responses to the presentation of the Gospel. What I've discovered when talking with some campers is that they really don't know much about the Bible, God, or why one needs salvation. After an encounter with one twelve year old determined not to believe in God, I saw a need to go back to the beginning, telling who God is, what the Bible is, why we need salvation, and why Jesus had to die. As we progressed through the Bible in cabin devotions, I was surprised to get confused questions from some ...

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Changing Lives Through Christian Camping

As I was reading the monthly newsletter from our Camp Victory in Samson, AL, This part stood out to me. It talks about our words and actions are as seeds that we plant in other lives. The other day the phone rang and I rushed to answer it. The voice identifies himself. Oh my, the memories that raced back! Approximately 30 years ago he was a camper that I took many times to camp, winter and summer. I had not seen nor heard from him since that time. He is part of a church plant in Georgia. He just wanted to call and say “Thank you” for helping him. I had led ...

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